
Leafpub looks terrific but new posts not displaying consistently

Lawnmowerrobot opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm a hobbyist blogger with a basic site (https://www.llicit.com/). I'd like to make it easier to post and stumbled upon Leafpub which looks ideal and at first blush I really like many things about it - clear, easy to use, resulting site is quite fast, aesthetically pleasing etc.

I installed it (a one click Softaculous install via my host) and all good with one exception. This is to do with a new post. Initially I couldn't get any new posts to display but then after a while some, via some lucky combination of Save and the two Publish options, do appear as below. However there are others which still won't appear. I think perhaps something is wrong as the Publish and back option doesn't work either in that it doesn't go back to the dashboard. Any suggestions as to why this would be happening appreciated. The leafpub site and supporting documentation no longer appears to be available - seems a real shame for such a nice system

Thanks Rob


Additional info

  • Leafpub version: 1.19
  • PHP version: 7.1
  • Affected browsers: Chrome 81
  • Operating system: Windows 10

Provide any additional information that may be relevant to the bug here.

Hi there,

after you've chosen one of three options, you have to press the "Save"-Button to save your post. ;-)
You'll find the docs in the wiki section

you / your web hoster uses LiteSpeed as webserver.
I don't know LiteSpeed as webserver or your setup, for example using varnish as caching solution.
Your posts should appear directly.

Without further information about your setup, I'm not able to help.