RPlay v0.03 ============== Benjamin de Callatay April 22, 2011 What it is ---------- This program is in alpha version. It emulates an Airport Express for the purpose of streaming music from iTunes and compatible iPods. It implements a server for the Apple RAOP protocol. Installation ------------ Double clicking on RPlay.jar in the DIST folder should be enough... Thanks ------ Big thanks to David Hammerton for releasing an ALAC decoder and to soiaf for porting it to Java (https://github.com/soiaf/Java-Apple-Lossless-decoder). Thanks to Jame Laird for his C implementation (shairport - https://github.com/albertz/shairport) Thanks to anyone involved in one of the libraries i used for creating this software. Libraries & References ---------------------- These libraries are included in RPlay: * http://www.bouncycastle.org/latest_releases.html * http://commons.apache.org/ * https://github.com/albertz/shairport * https://github.com/soiaf/Java-Apple-Lossless-decoder * http://jmdns.sourceforge.net Contributors ------------ * [David Hammerton] * [James Laird] * [soiaf] * [adeward] (https://github.com/adeward) * [jblezoray] (https://github.com/jblezoray) * [Maik Schulz] for Mac OS X bundle (now obsolete) * [csholmq] * Everyone who has helped with shairport, the alac decoder (or the java port of it), apache commons lib or bouncycastle lib (see their README) Changelog --------- * 0.01a April 22, 2011 * initial release: able to communicate with iTunes (RTSP server ok) * 0.01b May 01, 2011 * First working version. Still buggy. Usable. * 0.01c May 06, 2011 * First binary version. Need feedback. * 0.02 April 29, 2013 * Fixed auto-startup and enabled RPlayNoGui.jar. * 0.03 May 2, 2013 * Added password support. Also replaced mDNSResponder with JmDNS.