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         |___/______|  |_|    |___/ 

My_rpg is a project when you have to create / recreate a role play game in c with the csfml library.
It's a Epitech project to be done in groupe of 3 to 4.


This project is one of the freest project of your first year. Create your own RPG.

Your main challenge for this game will be to create a complete product using everything that you and your team know.

Your game must follow the following rules:
• The player needs to have characteristics which you can find in the status menu.
• The player can fight enemies, statistics will impact the fights results.
• There must be NPC in your game.
• You need to implement at least one quest.
• The player must have an inventory which can contain a limited set of items.
• The player can earn experience by winning fights and accomplishing specific actions.
• With enough experience, the player can level up, upgrading its statistics.

To give the users the feeling that you’re delivering a complete product you need to polish as much as possible your game.
• Having a pleasant user interface.
• Create a coherent universe (visual assets, audio assets, scenario, ...)
• Create a funny game where the player has at least one goal.
• Create a game with a beginning and an end

Description of the game

We choose to recreate pokemon red fire


required dependencies

lib csfml

instalation step by step

clone git clone git@github.com:Leandre17/Epitech-my_rpg.git

go to the repo cd Epitech-my_rpg

compile the project make re

launch ./my_rpg

instalation all in one

git clone git@github.com:Leandre17/Epitech-my_rpg.git
cd Epitech-my_rpg
make re


Samuel Florentin

Johanna Bureau

Léandre Godet