
This is a personal challenge. I challenged myself to create a bowling game app by using TDD, applying Clean Architecture , CI/CD with Github Actions and deploying it to an AWS cloud server.

Bowling Challenge - Personal Project

Domain Rules

image 1 (1)

Repo Notation:

  • PP - Personal Project

  • BL - Backend Learning

  • DevOpsL - DevOps Learning

  • CA - Clean Architecture

Let´s Start!

Why CI first?

What I´m trying to do is to hands-on every thing that I´ve learned so far. So, it must be a CI/CD working enviroment.

If I just code the app and them put it on this CI/CD pipeline, I´ll not achieve the objective because I´ll not going to keep deploying after the app is ready for deploy. So, I´ve decided to build the CI first.

Continuous Integration - CI

At CI I must check the lint and run the unit tests on every commit to dev branch.

  • For that, I´ll be creating a Github Action that does that.
  • Runs the lint
  • Runs the tests

Learning how GitHub Action Works

.github and workflows Folders

  • First thing we must know, is that Github Actions looks for a .github folder inside your project.

So, lets create it with bash command:

mkdir .github

Now, lets push to main branch.

 > git add . 
 > git commit -m "creating .github folder as Github Action requires" 
 > git push o main

Inside .github folder, we must create oneother folder called workflows. Every YAML file that will be in this workflows folder will be an action of github action.

> cd .github 
> mkdir workflows

That´s it. We now are able to create our github actions just by addind YAML files on the workflows folder!

Lets create our first action by creating an YAML file inside workflows folder.

>cd workflows
> touch test.yml 

> git add .
> git commit -m "workflows folder created inside .github folder as required for Github Actions.Also I´ve created an YAML file called test.yml"
> git push o main


What YAML mean?

  • YAML is not a makup language
  • Yet another markup language

YAML is very similar to JSON files, but it uses identation. It´s also a data file that transfer data between systems.But YAML is more complex then JSON.

Learning YAML Syntax

  • Basic Syntax
> // JSON
> //identation doesn´t matter
>   {
>        "name": "myname",
>        "age": "myage",
>       "address": "myAddress"
>   }
> // YAML
> //At YAML , identation is very import as it is for python!
> name:myname
> age:myage
> address:myaddress

  • Nested Objects
> //JSON
> {
>   "first-level-param": {
>        "name": "myname",
>        "age": "myage",
>        "address": "myAddress"           
>      }
> }
> //YAML 
> first-level-param:
>   name:myname
>   age:myage
>   address:myaddress
  • Comments / Arrays / Data Types in YAML

> //JSON
> // JON can not have comments
> {
>   "first-level-param": {
>        "name": "myname",
>        "age": "myage",
>        "address": "myAddress" ,
>        "randomArray": [1,2,3,4,5,6], 
>        "randomArray-of-Objects":[ 
>               {
>                  "key1": "value1",
>                  "another-key1":"another-value1",
>                  "key1-again": "value1-again",
>                  "last-key1":"last-value1"
>                },
>                {
>                   "key2": "value2",
>                   "another-key2":"another-value2",
>                   "key2-again": "value2-again",
>                   "last-key2":"last-value2"
>                },
>                {
>                   "key3":"value3",
>                },
>                {
>                   "key4":"value4"
>            ]
> }
> //YAML 
> //At YAML you can have comments by using the # symbol
> first-level-param:  #This is a YAML comment
>   name:myname
>   age:myage
>   address:myaddress
>   randomArra: [1,2,3,4,5,6] # At YAML you can have arrays just like json, but...
>   randomArray-of-Objects: 
>        -key1: value1    # At YAML , the - represents the start of an array element.
>        another-key1:another-value1
>        key1-again: value1-again
>        last-key1:last-value1
>       -key2: value2   # new item of the array
>        another-key2 : "another-value2"  # At YAML , you can write strings with double quote, single quote, and no quote.
>        key2-again : 'value2-again'
>        last-key2 : true
>       -key3:value3
>       -key4: value4  #Last item of the array.
>       -key5: |  
>           over here
>           you can have a 
>           multiple line
>           string 
>           because you used the | (pipe) 
>           That´s how you write multiple lines strings on YAML

YAML Validation - www.yamllint.com and Others on Google

  • When you are writing YAML files, it´s nice to have a validator open so you can verify is your YAML file is well written.

Another YAML validator found online


As you can see, creating a github action is very ease! So, the thruth is that GitHub actions is all about knowing how to create YAML files with the right configurations!

So, for now on, it´s not yaml file, it´s THE YAML file! Because it is the action it self.

Learning about THE YAML file options

Clean Architecture - Entities

  • Mach
  • player
  • frames
  • pins
  • frameScore
  • PlayersRanking

Clean Architecture - Use Cases

  • Player gives his name and start a mach
  • Player can abandon the mach
  • A player can only play one match.
  • A mach has 10 frames
  • A player has two shots on every frame.
  • The result of a frame can be :
  • Spare: all 10 pins in two tries.
    • Bonus: Number of pins knocked down on the next roll
  • Strike: all 10 pins in the first try
    • Bonus: Number of pins knocked down on the next two rolls