
This app fetchs an API with some information about Star Wars planets

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to Star Wars Planet Search 🪐🪐🪐


Install and Usage

npm install
npm start

Core abilities: React, Hooks, Context API.


This project works on a several different filters using a Star Wars Planets API:

1- First filter works on-Input-Change and filters the name of the plannet.

2- Second filter checks a selected category based on a number. Based on the selected category, the filter checks if the given number is higher, lower or equals. -Example: The user can filter plannets with a Diameter higher than 2000 kilometers.

3- In addition, the user can make multiple filters, limited by one per category. Each filter is saved on click and can be undone, making it possible to reverse that filter just by deleting each filter.

4- As a fourth challenge, i was able to sort the order on ascendant or descendant way, based on a category. -Example: The user can sort the plannets based on an higher rotation period.

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About me

👤 Leandro Hespanhol

Got some help with this README from readme-md-generator ❤️