Javascript implementation of the game Tic Tac Toe.
Live demo hereJust click on the cells on the 3x3 grid, each click consists in one turn.
The first player to get three connected cells in a straight line wins.
- Light and Dark mode
- Mobile support
- Vanilla JS
- Player vs Player
- Player vs AI
- Sound effects
- Animations
Name | Description |
Eslint | For linting and semantic analysis |
Jest | For unit testing |
Font awesome | For the X and O icons |
Github actions | For CI, building and deploying to github pages |
Google fonts | For the Poiret One font |
flaticon | Tic tac toe icons created by Freepik - Flaticon | | For Generating this awesome header | | For providing creative commons audio FX |
Minimax algorithm | For providing decision tree logic, which controls the AI |