
Flash Arduino boards with OctoPrint utalizing avrdude

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Plugin to flash Arduino based printer boards.

Install avrdude on your machine and point the add-on in the settings to the correct avrdude executable and avrdude.conf file.

Select a hex file, port and board and press flash.

This project is in heavy WIP phase. So please be carefull. Would be nice to run octoprint in --debug mode to see whats going on.

At the moment a limit amount of boards is supported and many are still untested. If you know your the settings for your board(programmer / baudrate / chip type) for AVR dude please make a PR with the information so I can add it to the plugin.

##TODO Make board profiles wich can be edited, added and removed.
