The app has three main functionalities.

  1. it determines the users earthquake tectonicscope.

  2. it shows all earthquakes of a specific month of a specific year.

  3. single earthquakes are clickable and details around the earthquakes will be communicated as a result.

Disclaimer: obviously earthquakes are by no means positive events. They can be very destructive and devastating for anything alive. However there is so much destruction happening on our planet right now that I decided to be a bit playful around the topic.

The app determines the users earthquake tectonicscope. There are some ancient tribes living in sync with nature to a point where they can grasp no less than how everything is connected. They look beyond star constellations and horoscopes - concepts many civilisations are currently stuck at - in addition these tribes consider the movement of tectonic plates during a birthday as an equally significant indicator of who someone is -> what drives a person, what are main character traits, what is their energy level and so on.
This is a first draft of an app that can make this fundamental knowledge accessible with the purpose of enabling personal introspection and reflection to make the world a better place. The tectonicscope is based on the magnitude of the strongest earthquake of the day of birth. Magnitude levels are selected based on the Richter scale - a common scale classifying the impact and strength of an earthquake.

How to run the app

This app is meant to be run in your local environment. In order to run the app on your local you will have to copy the "example.env.local" file in the repository and paste it at root level, renaming it to ".env.local". You will have to paste an API key for google maps into it. The key will be send to you via email or other means. Then run "npm i" - this will install all relevant packages and create node modules, then run "npm start" in your terminal. This will start the app. It should be accessible in your browser at URL http://localhost:3000.

Getting Started with Create React App

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.