Contribution in Data Structure & Algorithm under DevIncept 30-DAYS CONTRIBUTOR PROGRAM

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Contribution in Data Structure & Algorithm under DevIncept 30-DAYS CONTRIBUTOR PROGRAM

1) Time and Space Complexity Analysis

• Best, Average, and Worst-case Analysis
• Big O notation
• Space Complexity 

2) Arrays

• Array Rotations
• Program for Mean and median of an unsorted array
• Minimum swaps required to bring all elements less than or equal to k together
• Maximum and minimum of an array using the minimum number of comparisons

3) Strings

• Given a string, check if they are an anagram of each other.
• Given a string, find the leftmost character that does not repeat.
• Lexicographic rank
• Pattern Searching.
• Rabin Karp Algorithm
• KMP Algorithm

4) Linked List

• Singly, Doubly, and Circular Linked List
• Palindrome Linked List
• Detecting Loops
• Middle of Linked List
• LRU Cache Design

5) Stacks and Queues

• LIFO and FIFO applications
• Balanced Parenthesis
• Two stacks in an array
• Implement Stack Using Queues

6) Sorting Algorithms

• Bubble, Insert, and Selection Sort
• Merge Sort
• Quick Sort

7) Searching

• Binary Search Iterative and Recursive
• Two Pointer Approach Problems

8) Hash Tables

• Hashing 
• Collision 
• Open Addressing and Chaining 
• Count Distinct Elements
• Union of two unsorted arrays

9) Heap

• What is heap? Difference between Min Heap and Max Heap
• Insertion
• Update 
• Heapify 
• Extract Elements

10) Binary Search Tree

• Insertion, Deletion
• Depth-First Search: Inorder, Preorder, PostOrder Traversal in BST
• Breadth-First Search
• Side View of BST
• Check if a given binary tree is a binary search tree