A repository for the source code, notebooks, data, files, and other assets used in the data science and machine learning articles on LearnDataSci
Jupyter Notebook
- abulbasarAvalanchio Corporation
- akapila011Nairobi, Kenya
- AlessandroAnniniTeamSystem
- alsmirnProfiscope
- amittosHuman Digital
- beastybryanDenver, CO
- cfairman23Philadelphia, PA
- DataSoccer
- ddoyng
- egeriicwETHOS Sustainability Group
- elongreachMaryland
- GeorgeMcIntireBerkeley
- icsaas
- JandersonPython Developer
- JaymesKat
- kourouklides@GUT-AI
- liadmagenVienna, Austria
- MarBusch
- marcelogbastos
- mathias3lisbon / warsaw
- meatonNRMA Parks and Resorts
- phoe8lin
- Reklino
- rikwuts@powerhive
- rockcafe3in1liang1.zhang@outlook.com
- s-huffmanBlackhorse Analytics
- SathishN@Optum
- SirRacha
- stieroBangalore, KA, India
- sundeeptekisundeepteki.org/course
- tiberiuichim@eea @eaudeweb
- tifa64Microsoft
- tmthyjameshere
- xchehub
- yul11a
- zmillers1