A free, open-source Java library for modeling automata, graphs, and transition systems
- 1
Problem with references to FSM format
#87 opened by pierreganty - 4
Integer overflow when comparing two large automata
#84 opened by tneele - 2
- 0
- 6
IndexOutOfBoundsException in IncrementalMealyDAGBuilder when input word is longer than output word
#77 opened by BlobbyBob - 0
Fail on javadoc warnings and improve documentation
#61 opened by mtf90 - 0
M3CParser fails when ID is a formula token
#70 opened by mtf90 - 1
M3C does not run on M1 MacBooks
#59 opened by VishalPatel43 - 10
How to minimize a chained mealy automata
#57 opened by grandnew - 0
Add support for Java 17 (LTS) to CI pipeline
#49 opened by mtf90 - 0
- 2
Deviation in the BBC functionality between (at least) LearnLib 0.14.0 and 0.16.0
#46 opened by MasWag - 9
#44 opened by z11panyan - 13
DOTParsers.mealy() not parsing all transitions
#40 opened by tiferrei - 2
- 0
- 3
Incorrect characterizing set for Mealy machine
#36 opened by tmaarse - 0
Replace JSR305 annotations
#33 opened by mtf90 - 0
Write a parser for LTSmin formulae
#34 opened by mtf90 - 0
Implement Register Automata
#5 opened by misberner - 2
Write test cases
#1 opened by misberner - 2
- 10
Error testing serilaization-dot
#25 opened by omarzd - 0
Use UTF-8 in TAF serialization
#18 opened by mtf90 - 5
- 4
Java Building ERROR
#23 opened by ray0728 - 2
Bug in the strongly connected component algorithm
#21 opened by mmuesly - 2
Javadoc missing
#15 opened by omarzd - 0
Add support for lazy test-sequence generations
#17 opened by mtf90 - 3
Make an automaton out of a AUT
#14 opened by omarzd - 8
Graphviz DOT output
#7 opened by juangamnik - 2
Renaming COPYING.txt to LICENSE
#13 opened by johnament - 0
bug in DAGIncrementalBuilder
#12 opened by mgeske - 1
NFA determinization
#2 opened by misberner - 2
- 0
#3 opened by oliverbauer - 1
Issues with IntRangeIterator
#6 opened by oliverbauer8 - 4
Dot export issues with CompactMealy
#4 opened by maikmerten