Crowdfunding dapp

How to deploy the Solana program

  1. Navigate to the project directory
  2. Run npm install to install the required dependencies
  3. Generate a new wallet: solana-keygen new -o id.json
  4. Copy the address of the new wallet: solana-keygen pubkey id.json
  5. Airdrop some SOL into your new wallet: solana airdrop 2 $(solana-keygen pubkey ./id.json) --url devnet && solana airdrop 2 $(solana-keygen pubkey ./id.json) --url devnet
  6. Build the program: anchor build
  7. Copy the new program ID from solana address -k ./target/deploy/crowdfunding.json, and replace the existing program ID in and Anchor.toml
  8. Run anchor deploy

How to run the frontend

  1. Navigate to the project directory
  2. Run cd frontend
  3. Run npm install to install the required dependencies
  4. Run npm run start