Resourcebag readme

Uploading resource:

POST /resources

Listing all resources:

GET /resources

get info about a resource by id:

GET /resources/52ca8d70a15ec01c0a1dd481

search resources by filename

GET /resources/search/odt

Downloading a resource

GET /resources/download/52ca8d70a15ec01c0a1dd481

delete a resource by id

DELETE /resources/52ca8d70a15ec01c0a1dd481

Using curl to test the api:

upload file

curl -F file=@file-path http://localhost:3000/resources

List all resources

curl http://localhost:3000/resources

get info about a resource by id

curl http://localhost:3000/resources/52ca97b4245be51b0b3ebc2b

search resource

curl http://localhost:3000/search/txt

downloading a resource

curl http://localhost:3000/resources/download/52ca97b4245be51b0b3ebc2b

deleting file

curl -i -X DELETE http://localhost:3000/resources/52ca97b4245be51b0b3ebc2b