
Fully constrained and simplified sketch for review

Omni Development Kit


The Omni Development Kit is your key to start making your own soul plates for the Standard Omni boot. The ODK includes all the objects we used to design our soul plates as well as a sample soul plate you can use as a starting point or print at home to use yourself.

Getting Started

If you're new to GitHub, please take a minute to create an account so you can participate in discussions about the ODK. While we won't be using everything GitHub has to offer, we definitely will be taking your issues and suggestions for improvement.

Here's where to access the core-frame-system GitHub: https://github.com/StandardSkateCo/OmniDevelopmentKit

And here's a direct download of the most current CDK: https://github.com/StandardSkateCo/OmniDevelopmentKit/archive/refs/heads/main.zip

Helpful Information

  • UFS suggests the frame channel of soul plates be 41mm wide to fit all UFS frames. The mounting nubs should be no more than 20mm in diameter and no more than 3mm in height.
  • The frame bolts included with all Omni boots are 20mm m6, and the soul plate bolts are 14mm m6. The example minimal soul plates included with the ODK are thinner than stock and require 16mm frame bolts and 10mm soul plate bolts.
  • We recommend at least 2mm recess for soul plate bolts to sit flush with the frame channel and at least 3mm of soul plate for the bolts to securely mount to the boot without pulling through.

Terms of Use

The Omni Development Kit is open source and free for you to use. We’re licensing the kit under Creative Commons so you can use it to design any soul plates you want. Feel free to print your soul plate designs for personal use, sell your designs for others to print, print your designs and sell them yourself, or give them away for free.


Omni Base and Minimal Soul Plate © 2023 by Lawrence Ingraham is licensed under CC BY 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/