Learus Typescript Material CRA Template

This project is a boilerplate to easily create a front-end project structure using:

  • Typescript
  • Material UI
  • Axios
  • React Router

Out of the box it provides (among basic CRA features):

  • Customizable Dark - Light Theming with Material UI
  • Methods for React-friendly Responsive Sizing (see src/styles/Theme.tsx)
  • Easy Component Creation with custom script component.sh
  • Client-side Routing
  • Docker Deployment


npx create-react-app your-project --template learus-typescript-material

App Usage

  • To start the application use npm start or npm run dev. The dev script sets NODE_ENV=development in case you need different logic based on development or production enviroment.

  • To build use npm run build.

  • To create a new component use ./component.sh and specify the name of the component.

  • Deploy using Docker and docker-compose up