
A simple solar system (Sun, Earth, Moon) created with OpenGL

Primary LanguageC++

Solar System OpenGL

A simple solar system (Sun, Earth, Moon) created with OpenGL.
This is built on a linux machine, and makefile is written to work in a Linux Ubuntu environment. (Ubuntu probably does not matter).


Ιωάννης Μαλιάρας - 1115201500084


Following instructions from eclass (you will need an active UoA account to access the intstructions), run:

sudo apt-get install cmake libx11-dev xorg-dev libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev libglew1.5 libglew1.5-dev libglu1-mesa libglu1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dev libglfw3-dev libglfw3 libassimp-dev assimp-utils

to install required GL libraries + assimp library.


# To compile and run

# To Run
# or
make run

# To compile
make compile


  • W : Rotates upwards around the x axis
  • A : Rotates leftwards around the y axis
  • S : Rotates downwards around the x axis
  • D : Rotates rightwards around the y axis
  • Enter : Toggles orbiting animation
  • Escape : Closes the window
  • Scroll : Zooms in and out


  • I used code from learnopengl.com as a headstart.
  • model.h, mesh.h, shader.h are basically copied from that tutorial.
  • camera.h is a modified and extended version of the camera class shown in the tutorial.
  • circle.h is a class that I created to draw line circles in a 3d environment.
  • skybox.h is a class that I created to display skyboxes given the right textures.
  • ./bin/main is the main executable file
  • I did not find the need to explain any more of the implementation. For any questions refer to the code.

Extra Libraries Used

  • glad (+ KHR)
  • stbi
  • glm

Above libraries are located in the /lib directory.