
Computercraft button api

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is a computercraft button api. Coded in OOP fashion.

Creates easy way of managing clickable buttons on advanced monitors in computercraft

Basic usage:

  1. include api in your file by os.loadAPI("button")
  2. set monitor you want to use: button.setMonitor(handler)
  3. Create button: myButton = button.create("My new button")
  4. Set position: myButton.setPos(1,1)
  5. Set some callback: myButton.onClick(function() print("CLICK!") end)
  6. Setup loop waiting for input: while true do button.await(myButton) end
    And you're done! Once button will be clicked, "CLICK!" will be printed onto computer's term.

Button object method list

  • setText(text, resize) - sets button label, if resize=true, recalculates button width
  • setAlign(align) - sets label align in button; align can be: "left", "right", "center"
  • setPos(x, y) - sets button's position on screem
  • setSize(width, height) - sets button's size
  • setColor(color) - sets background color (from computercraft colors api)
  • setBlinkColor(color) - sets backgroundColor when button is clicked
  • setActive(state) - activates/deactivates button; state - boolean
  • onClick(callback) - sets callback executed when button is pressed
  • onClickReturn(value) - sets value that will be returned by button.await istead of callback function

Adidtionally, all above methods return button object so they can be chained eg:
myButton = button.create().setText("Label").setSize(10,1).setPos(2,2).setColor(colors.red)

Other api methods

  • button.create(text) - returns new button object; text parameter is optional
  • button.setMonitor(handle) - sets handle to connected advanced monitor. (Handle is peripheral.wrap())
  • button.await(button1, button2, ...) - draws given buttons and awaits for monitor click. After click, ends execution, regardless if click hit any button.
    Buttons can be supplied one after:
    button.await(button1, button2, button3, ...)
    Or in form of a table:
buttonTable = {button1, button2, button3}

Or mixed:

buttonTable = {button1, button2, button3}
button.await(buttonTable, button4, button5)

Note: In all examples above button1, button2, etc means button objects
If some button was clicked:

  • returns value set by onClickReturn on clicked button or
  • executes function set by onClick method on clicked button