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Symfony2 bundle that enables automatic updates of the application from the Web Debug Toolbar.
Installation is broken down in 4 easy steps.
Step 1: Download LswAutomaticUpdateBundle using composer
Add LswAutomaticUpdateBundle in your composer.json:
"require": {
"leaseweb/automatic-update-bundle": "*",
Now tell composer to download the bundle by running the command:
$ php composer.phar update leaseweb/automatic-update-bundle
Composer will install the bundle to your project's vendor/leaseweb
Step 2: Enable the bundle
Enable the bundle in the kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) {
$bundles[] = new Lsw\AutomaticUpdateBundle\LswAutomaticUpdateBundle();
Step 3: Add routes to support automatic update
Add the following lines to app/config/routing_dev.yml
resource: "@LswAutomaticUpdateBundle/Resources/config/routing/update.yml"
Step 4: Allow access to the automatic update actions
Add the following lines to app/config/security.yml
pattern: ^/update/
security: false
In parameters.yml
you can specify the following:
secret: "SomeVerySecretPassword"
- "svn status -u"
- "php composer.phar update --dry-run --ansi"
- "app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql"
- "svn up"
- "php composer.phar update --ansi"
- "app/console doctrine:schema:update --force"
NB: You might want to run 'apache2-mpm-itk' to enable your website to run as a normal user, not as 'www-data', because this will simplify file rights management.
This bundle is under the MIT license.
The "circular arrows" icon in the web debug toolbar is part of the Picas icon set (official website: The icon is licensed and may only be used to identifying the LswAutomaticUpdateBundle in the Symfony2 web debug toolbar. All ownership and copyright of this icon remain the property of Rok Benedik.