
describe how to write my own spring boot starter

Primary LanguageJava



  • jdk 1.8
  • maven
  • Java IDE(eclipse or intellij idea)

how to run the project

  • use git clone https://github.com/BarkZhang/spring-boot-custom-starter.git or download zip to local disk and import to your ide(idea or eclipse)
  • in command line, go to spring-boot-custom-starter folder, run mvn install to compile the project
  • run MyInfoApplication class in your IDE, by default you will see "This is MR leasy" in console

how to change configs

there are four keys in the configuration

  • person.info.name
  • person.info.age
  • person.info.gender
  • person.info.address you can add, update or delete this line in application.properties file. and rerun the MyInfoApplication to see what chanegs in console