
Backend for news aggregator project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


I have created a restful API based on the Norchoders News Api (which can be viewed here http://northcoders-news-api.herokuapp.com/). Using a MongoDB database hosted with mLab, my functioning API is hosted at https://henrys-news.herokuapp.com/api/ The main goals for this project were to get to grips with Mongo and Mongoose, learn to deploy a project into production, practice complex Promise chains and use throrough TDD throughout including for error handling.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the API up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


You will need an understanding of JavaScript, Mongo and Mongoose.


Run npm install in the command line to get the required dependencies.

npm install -D

To initially seed your database, run the seed:dev script

npm run seed:dev

To start the server running locally at port 9021, use the following script

npm run dev

Then you should be able to access the api and make get requests as per the options here:


Running the tests

Run npm -D to install developer dependencies (chai and supertest). Run npm test to run the automated tests.

Before each set of tests, the test database is reseeded

End to end tests for each route

These tests check that the data is in the required format and has the correct http status code.

expect get requests to have a status 200 and return the correct data

Error handling tests provide a bad request of some sort and then check the status code and error message

expect bad put requests to /api/comments/comment_id have a status 400 and leave the vote count unchanged


To deploy on a live system, follow the instructions at mLab to seed your database there and then set up a Heroku app, link it to your fork of this GitHub repo and set up your environment variables.

Built With

  • mLab - Used to host the mongoDB database
  • Heroku - Dependency Management
  • faker - Used to generate random comments


Please don't contribute, if you want to study then join the Northcoders bootcamp and you can fork your own version!!


For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Henry Withers - Northcoders Student - GitHub


  • Thanks to my fellow members of March 19th Cohort
  • Thanks to @A-R-H for tips on error handling