
[TNNLS] Official repository for "Attentive Learning Facilitates Generalization of Neural Networks"

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains the code for the paper "Attentive Learning Facilitates Generalization of Neural Networks" by Shiye Lei, Fengxiang He, Haowen Chen, and Dacheng Tao.


  • Python 3.6
  • Pytorch 1.10


Dataset-distraction Stability and Generalization (Fig.3)

1. Model training

[DATASET] ∈ {'cifar10', 'cifar100'}

[NET] ∈ {'resnet', 'vgg', 'wrn', 'vit'}

[OPTIMIZER] ∈ {'adam', 'rmsprop', 'sgd', 'sgdm'}

For INDEX=[1-10], RATIO=[0.1,0.2,...,1.0], run

python train.py --dataset [DATASET] --net_type [NET]  --trainset_mode former --optimizer_name [OPIMIZER] --former_sample_ratio RATIO --index INDEX
python train.py --dataset [DATASET] --net_type [NET]  --trainset_mode latter --optimizer_name [OPIMIZER] --latter_sample_ratio RATIO --index INDEX
2. Evaluate the dataset-distraction stability
python test_single.py --dataset [DATASET] --net_type [NET]  --optimizer_name [OPIMIZER] 

Distraction stability and Source Sample Size (Fig. 4)

python test_locally_and_sample_size.py --dataset [DATASET] --net_type [NET]

Distraction stability and label noise (Fig. 5)

1. Model training

[DATASET] ∈ {'cifar10', 'cifar100'}

[NET] ∈ {'resnet', 'vgg', 'wrn'}

For INDEX=[1-10], NOISE_RATIO=[0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25], run

python train_label_noise.py --dataset [DATASET] --net_type [NET]  --noise_set former --label_noise_ratio NOISE RATIO --index INDEX
python train_label_noise.py --dataset [DATASET] --net_type [NET]  --noise_set latter --label_noise_ratio NOISE RATIO --index INDEX
2. Evaluate the dataset-distraction stability
python test_label_noise.py --dataset [DATASET]

Distraction stability and similarity (Fig. 6)

1. Model training

[DATASET] ∈ {'cifar10', 'cifar100'}

[NET] ∈ {'resnet', 'vgg', 'wrn'}

[MODE] ∈ {'green', 'gray', 'red'}

For INDEX=[1-10], ALPHA=[0.1,0.2,...,0.9], run

python train_dist_shift.py --dataset [DATASET] --net_type [NET]  --mode [MODE] --alpha ALPHA --index INDEX
python train_dist_shift.py --dataset [DATASET] --net_type [NET]  --mode full --index INDEX
python train_dist_shift.py --dataset [DATASET] --net_type [NET]  --mode sub --index INDEX
2. Evaluate the dataset-distraction stability
python test_dist_shift.py --dataset [DATASET] --net_type [NET]


  title={Attentive Learning Facilitates Generalization of Neural Networks},
  author={Lei, Shiye and He, Fengxiang and Chen, Haowen and Tao, Dacheng},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems}, 


For any issue, please kindly contact

Shiye Lei: leishiye@gmail.com
Fengxiang He: F.He@ed.ac.uk
Hoawen Chen: haowchen@student.ethz.ch
Dacheng Tao: dacheng.tao@ntu.edu.sg

Last update: Thu 18 Jan 2024