
[AIJ] Official repository for "Spectral Complexity-scaled Generalization Bound of Complex-valued Neural Networks"

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains the code for the paper "Spectral Complexity-scaled Generalization Bound of Complex-valued Neural Networks" by Haowen Chen, Fengxiang He, Shiye Lei, and Dacheng Tao.


  • Python 3.6
  • Pytorch 1.10
  • Keras 2.2
  • complexPyTorch


  1. setting the data path of TinyImageNet in main.py:

    tinyimagenet_path = [YOUR DATA PATH]

  2. setting the path of result folder in main.py:

    figure_save_path = [YOUR FIGURE PATH]

  3. run main.py

    python main.py --dataset [YOUR DATASET NAME]

    [YOUR DATASET NAME] ∈ {'mnist', 'fashionmnist', 'cifar10', 'cifar100', 'imdb', 'tinyimagenet'}


  title={Spectral Complexity-scaled Generalization Bound of Complex-valued Neural Networks},
  author={Chen, Haowen and He, Fengxiang and Lei, Shiye and Tao, Dacheng},
  journal={Artificial Intelligence},


For any issue, please kindly contact

Hoawen Chen: haowchen@student.ethz.ch
Fengxiang He: F.He@ed.ac.uk
Shiye Lei: leishiye@gmail.com
Dacheng Tao: dacheng.tao@sydney.edu.au

Last update: Tue 30 May 2023