SharpHDiffPatch is a patching library for HDiffPatch format written in C#, purposedly as a port of HPatchZ implementation (from HDiffPatch by housisong). This project doesn't support making diff file and only works for patching.
Supporting file and directory patching with these compression formats:
- BZip2
- Deflate
- Zstd
- LZMA2 (not LZMA)
- No Compression.
Unfortunately, the HDIFFSF20
(Single Compressed) format is still unsupported. But we are planning to add it in the future.
This project is used as a part submodule of our main project: Collapse Launcher.
using SharpHDiffPatch.Core;
using SharpHDiffPatch.Core.Event;
string oldPath = "C:\\test\\Music1.pck";
string diffPath = "C:\\test\\Music1.pck.hdiff";
string newPath = "C:\\test\\";
// Initialize the patcher instance
HDiffPatch patcher = new HDiffPatch();
// Set the verbosity of the logging
// Available Options: Quiet, Info (default), Verbose, Debug
HDiffPatch.LogVerbosity = Verbosity.Verbose;
// Subscribe an event listener to logging
EventListener.LoggerEvent += EventListener_LoggerEvent;
// Subscribe an event listener to patching progress
EventListener.PatchEvent += EventListener_PatchEvent;
// Initialize the diff file
// Start the patching process
// This method has some arguments you can tweak as below:
// Patch(string inputPath, string outputPath, bool useBufferedPatch,
// CancellationToken token = default, bool useFullBuffer = false,
// bool useFastBuffer = false)
// Description:
// - inputPath -> Path of the old/source file/folder.
// - outputPath -> Path of the new/target file/folder.
// - useBufferedPatch -> Use array-based buffer for RLE Control and Code clips.
// - token -> Cancellation token.
// - useFullBuffer -> Buffer the RLE New Data to the MemoryStream.
// - useFastBuffer -> Buffer the RLE Control and Code clips to ArrayPool.
patcher.Patch(inputPath, outputPath, true, default, false, true);
// Unsubscribe an event listener to logging
EventListener.LoggerEvent -= EventListener_LoggerEvent;
// Unsubscribe an event listener to patching progress
EventListener.PatchEvent -= EventListener_PatchEvent;
// Implement logging listener
private void EventListener_LoggerEvent(object? sender, LoggerEvent e)
string label = e.LogLevel switch
Verbosity.Info => $"[Info] ",
Verbosity.Verbose => $"[Verbose] ",
Verbosity.Debug => $"[Debug] ",
_ => ""
// Implement patching progress listener
private void EventListener_PatchEvent(object? sender, PatchEvent e)
Console.Write($"Patching: {e.ProgressPercentage}% | {SummarizeSizeSimple(e.CurrentSizePatched)}/{SummarizeSizeSimple(e.TotalSizeToBePatched)} @{SummarizeSizeSimple(e.Speed)}/s \r");
using SharpHDiffPatch.Core;
string diffPath = "C:\\test\\Music1.pck.hdiff";
long newFileSize = HDiffPatch.GetHDiffNewSize(diffPath);
Console.WriteLine($"The new file size is: {newFileSize} bytes");