
Generate Swift code from Qt5 user interfaces.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT



qlift-uic takes a Qt5 user interface description file and compiles it to Swift code for use with QLift. Splitted from main QLift repo.

Use with Swift package manager plugin

Add dependency to your swift package manifest:

    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "https://github.com/DimaRU/QliftUIC", branch: "master"),

Then add plugin to target declaration:

plugins: [
    .plugin(name: "QliftUICPlugin", package: "QliftUIC"),

and .ui files to your target. These files will be automatically converted to .swift during build process.

This is the structure of an example client package of qlift-uic:

 ├ Package.swift
 └ Sources
    └ MyExe
       ├ MainWindow.ui
       └ main.swift

Installation for use with command line


Run the following command to install using Homebrew:

brew install DimaRU/formulae/qlift-uic

Command line USAGE

USAGE: qlift-uic [<file> ...] [--verbose] [--output-directory <path>]

  <file>                  UI file to compile.

  -v, --verbose           Verbose output
  -o, --output-directory <path>
                          The the output path to write generated .swift files.
        By default generated files written to current directory.
  --version               Show the version.
  -h, --help              Show help information.


Use swift package manager for build.

git clone https://github.com/DimaRU/QliftUIC.git
cd QliftUIC
swift build


Thanks to Andi Schulz (Longhanks)

Initially forked from https://github.com/Longhanks/qlift