This is cross-platform library, which allows performing system-like ping requests from C++ applications without need of use system "ping" command. As library is socket-based, on most operating systems, it will require administrator privilages (root) to run.
icmplib delivers function Ping declared as:
PingResult Ping(const icmplib::IPAddress &target, unsigned timeout = 60, uint16_t sequence = 1, uint8_t ttl = 255);
- target - Network address (may be created from std::string)
- timeout - Timeout in seconds
- sequence - Sequence number to be sent
- ttl - Time-to-live to be set for packet
PingResult structure is declared as:
struct PingResult {
enum class ResponseType {
} response;
double interval;
icmplib::AddressIP address;
uint8_t code;
uint8_t ttl;
- interval - Time in miliseconds between sending request and receiving response
- address - Address of responding host
- code - ICMP Code parameter
- ttl - Received IPv4 header TTL parameter
- response - Type of received response
ResponseType | Meaning
Success | ICMP Echo Response successfully received
Unreachable | ICMP Destination Ureachable message received (eg. target host does not exist)
TimeExceeded | ICMP Time Exceeded message received (eg. TTL meet zero value on some host)
Timeout | No message recived in given time (see "timeout" parameter)
Unsupported | Received unsupported ICMP packet
Failure | Failed to send ICMP Echo Request to given target host
In order to make internet connection test simply use:
#include "icmplib.h"
bool isConnected()
return icmplib::Ping("", 5).response == icmplib::PingResponseType::Success; // Test Google DNS address
Simple traceroute implementation:
#include "icmplib.h"
#include <vector>
std::vector<std::string> traceroute(const std::string &address)
std::vector<std::string> result;
for (uint8_t ttl = 1; ttl != 0; ttl++) {
auto ping = icmplib::Ping(address, 5, 1, ttl);
switch (ping.response) {
case icmplib::PingResult::ResponseType::TimeExceeded:
case icmplib::PingResult::ResponseType::Success:
return result;
return result;
return result;
On Windows 10 ICMP messages other than Echo Response seem to be blocked and, while being received, are not passed to application via socket, timeout is detected instead