Explanation: Data Collection: This example generates random price data. You should replace this with real historical data for your specific coin. Identify Levels: A rolling minimum and maximum are used to approximate support and resistance levels. Calculate Entry Price: The best entry price is set to the most recent support level.

Assumptions: Window Size: The window parameter in the rolling function determines the period for calculating support and resistance. Adjust this based on the volatility and characteristics of the specific coin. Sideways Market: This code assumes the market is ranging. It doesn't account for breakouts or trending markets.

Usage: Replace Sample Data: You need to replace the sample data with real historical data. Adjust Window Size: Depending on the nature of the sideways market, you might need to adjust the window size for better accuracy.

This code provides a basic structure. Depending on your specific requirements, you might need to refine the support/resistance detection and entry criteria.