
The code (and model) for a machine learning API that takes text as input and returns a note between 0 and 4 using a prediction model (SVM) trained using the code stored in my repo "SentimentAnalysis"

Primary LanguagePython

Machine Learning API


go to your local directory containing this repo's code and :

  • Install the requirements.txt:

conda install requirements.txt

  • Start the API :

python app.py

Then what's going on?

The API takes text as input and then applies few preprocessing :

  • removal of stop-words/punctuation/non-alphabetic characters
  • lemmatisation
  • vectorisation using tf-idf algorithm (from pre-trained model) and then infers the note using the preprocessed text and the model built using SVM algorithm. This note is then returned by the API

The interface 😂

To test the API you can use the very simple interface made in few minutes using streamlit

To do so type:

streamlit run front.py

Enter a comment Get the note