
[Tool][v2-rc][Functional] Generic but complete Makefile for all my C++ GitHub projects (and also for your projects)

Primary LanguageMakefileGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


MyMakefile is a central build system based on GNU Makefile for compiling my GitHub C++ projects for Linux, Mac OS X (and certainly for Windows) architectures. MyMakefile reduces the number of lines to type for my Makefiles by avoiding duplicating the same boring code over all my projects and therefore to make consistent all my Makefiles. In the case, for your personal projects, you are not bored by CMake syntax or not interested with deadling with Makefile rules, you may be interested in this project. Two choices:

  • simply copy/paste this repo inside your project.
  • or better, use it as a git submodule to track my evolutions.

Here, the list of my personal projects using this repo as git submodule:

Why do I care using this project?

Or maybe: "why not simply using CMake instead of this project?" CMake is, after all, a Makefile generator and is architecture agnostic! The answer would be "maybe yes for big projects", but I personally never liked CMake for its syntax and for generating makefiles containing more lines than an equivalent Makefile, especially for small projects such as mines.

Similar project:

  • MyMakefile is inspired by this build system https://github.com/Parrot-Developers/alchemy that I used in my previous firm. This project is a portage of Android Makefiles Android.mk and can manage several targets in a single file but this project is not fully 100% Makefile. MyMakefile is 90% Makefile and 10% bash scripts and one of its biggest drawback is that it cannot manage two targets with the same Makefile file.

MyMakefile Features

MyMakefile allows you to:

  • Define a target as a binary and/or a static/shared library for Linux, OS X, Windows.
  • Write few lines Makefile by hidding the necessity to write rules for compiling files. You can add your own personal Makefile rules anyway.
  • In the case of your target is a library, a pkg-config file is automatically created.
  • Define macros for installing your program, its resources, docs, libraries, include files, pkg-config inside your OS in the case you want a make install rule.
  • Define by default plenty of compilation flags for GCC and clang compilers. Some are made for hardening your binary or striping your release binaries.
  • Enable/disable the good optimization flags (-Ox) as well as enabling/disabling asserts (NDEBUG) depending on if your project is in debug or release mode. If you do not like my default compilation/link flags, you can replace them by yours. If you do not like the default compiler, you can tell your own.
  • Offer rules such as gcov (code coverage report), Coverity Scan (static analyzer of code), doxgen (documentation generator), asan (AddressSanitizer), check for a hardened target.
  • Generate a Doxygen file with project parameters (such as project name, version ...). The generated HTML follows the theme used by the library SFML which is more proper than the default Doxygen theme.
  • Have a rule for compressing your project (without .git or generated documentation) in a tar.gz tarball with the date and the version. Names collision of tarballs is managed.
  • Auto-generate the Makefile help by parsing your comments placed before rules.
  • Work with parallel builds (-jX option, where X is the number of your CPU cores).
  • Hide by default all these awful lines made of GCC compilation flags. Colorful information messages are displayed instead with the percentage of compiled files (in the way of the CMake progress bar).
  • Create a build directory where compiled files are placed, instead of being created within source files.
  • Generate .d files inside a build directory holding dependencies files (when one header file is modified, dependent source files are also compiled).
  • For MacOS, you have option for obtaining bundle applications.

Current constraint:

  • Currently, you have to define a single target by Makefile file (for example a library and its demo application). This can be easily bypassed as shown in examples given in this document by adding a makefile in a separate folder (source, lib, demo, tests, ...). A WIP solution which both fix and reduce the code is in gestation in the git branch dev-multitargets.


You have to install:

  • a bash interpretor since some commands cannot be directly called as pure Makefile commands.
  • the basic calculator bc tool: apt-get install bc needed for the progress bar (if not present the compilation does not fail).
  • if needed, install tools that can be called by MyMakefile: gcov, doxygen, hardening-check: apt-get install gcovr doxygen devscripts.

Builtin utility rules

  • make help show your makefile rules (the display is an auto-generated).
  • make clean remove $(BUILD) $(GENDOC)/coverage, $(GENDOC)/html folders.
  • make doc generate Doxyfile and call doxygen. The report is generated inside $(GENDOC)/html.
  • make check-harden check if you code is hardening.
  • make asan use Address Sanitizer. USE_ASAN shall be set to 1.
  • make gprof use GNU profiler. USE_GPROF shall be set to 1.
  • make coverage call gcov against your code and generate a code coverage report inside $(GENDOC)/coverage. USE_COVERAGE shall be set to 1.
  • make coverity-scan static analyzer of code (only if you have install coverity-scan): a tarball is created that you have to manually upload on their server for obtaining the report.
  • make tarball compress your project in tar.gz tarball (without .git, $(BUILD), $(GENDOC) folders). Name conflicts of tarball are managed.
  • make which-compiler show which is the default compiler.

The following commands are mine and will not work "as it" for you (see my personal projects to adapt to your project):

  • make download-external-libs call the bash script located in $(P)/$(THIRDPART)/download-external-libs.sh. I use this script as alternative to git submodules. I do not like git submodules and I prefer repo but it is too complex for such simple projects as mine. Bash script is more flexbile for my case. I download github projects inside $(P)/$(THIRDPART), rename them, refactorize them, etc. This command is also used for my continuous integration tests.
  • make compile-external-libs call the bash script $(P)//$(THIRDPART)/download-external-libs.sh. I use this script to compile my downloaded GitHub projects. You have to call make download-external-libs before. This command is also used for my continuous integration tests.
  • make obs call the bash script $(P)/.integration/opensuse-build-service.sh. I use this script for building my projects on the compilation farms OBS (OpenSuse Build Service).

MyMakefile examples

Examples are given in the examples/ folder. Else, see my personal projects for more concrete examples.

Hello-World MyMakefile example

Here is a minimal C++ project using MyMakefile:

├── .makefile/
├── VERSION.txt
├── src/
│   ├── main.cpp
│   └── main.hpp
└── Makefile
  • .makefile/ is simply this MyMakefile repo cloned with the following command git clone git@github.com:Lecrapouille/MyMakefile.git --depth=1 .makefile. A better solution would to use MyMakefile.git as sub-module for your pincipal project git submodule add https://github.com/Lecrapouille/MyMakefile.git .makefile. I personally add the . to hide it in my workspace but this is not mandatory.

  • VERSION.txt is an ASCII file containing a version number such as 0.1 or 1.0.3. It seems useless but it has a great role when installing your project in your operating system: you can install different versions of your project without interfering each others. If not present a default file is created. Note: since 2019, our VERSION file shall have a .txt extension, because of possible conflict with C++ VERSION file when using -I. with Mac OS X.

  • src/ is the folder containing your code source (you can use your own name) containing, for this example, a simple hello word named main.cpp. The name is not important as well: you can several sub-folders and source files.

  • Makefile contains, for this example, the following code (explanations come just after) compile c++ files inside the src folder:

PROJECT = CheckMyMakefile
DESCRIPTION = Project template testing MyMakefile
STANDARD = --std=c++14
BUILD_TYPE = release

P := .
M := $(P)/.makefile
include $(M)/Makefile.header

OBJS += main.o
VPATH += src

all: $(TARGET)

include $(M)/Makefile.footer


  • PROJECT is the main project name. A project can have several targets (ie: main binary, unit tests, libraries, ...).
  • TARGET is the name for your compiled binary (or library) by this Makefile.
  • DESCRIPTION explain your target in few words (optional but used for generated pkg-config files when you compile for libraries).
  • BUILD_TYPE = release to compile your project without debug elements (else replace it by ̀BUILD_TYPE = debug).
  • STANDARD = --std=c++14 tell which C++ standard you want (C++14 by default if not set).
  • P and M are mandatory and their placement SHALL BE AFTER previously lines. P (for Project) indicates the relative path of the folder holding the root project. M (for MyMakefile) indicates the location of the folder holding this MyMakefile project.
  • OBJS contains the list of all .o files (separated by spaces) for compiling TARGET. Please just give their base names and not their source path. The += is mandatory since some objects are added by include $(M)/Makefile.header.
  • Use VPATH (separated by spaces) to define folders for finding your source files. In our example with have a single folder holding source code: src. The += is mandatory since some paths are added by include $(M)/Makefile.header.
  • Use INCLUDES (prepend by -I and separated by spaces) to define folders for finding your header files. In our example with have a single folder holding source code: src. The += is mandatory since some includes are added by include $(M)/Makefile.header.
  • Use DEFINES for defining your personal C/C++ macros (if needed).
  • all: $(TARGET) for building your project. Notice it has empty rule. Since an internal rule manages it already.
  • You do not have to write compilation rules or rules such as clean: or doc: ... rules they are already defined in Makefile.footer. The generated documentation is placed on $(P).
  • If you want to add new rules add them before include $(M)/Makefile.footer.

Compilation for Linux

  • To compile it just type make or make -j8 change 8 to the number of cores of your CPU.
  • A ./build/Test binary has been created (by default BUILD = build/).
  • To display compilation flags, simply compile with VERBOSE=1 make -j8 or simply V=1 make -j8.
  • To change the default compiler by yours (for ie clang++-6.0 instead of g++) do: make CXX=clang++-6.0 -j8
  • If compiled with success, you can test it: ./build/Test or make run.
  • To force compiling in release mode: make BUILD_TYPE=release CXX=clang++-6.0 -j8
  • To force compiling in debug mode: make BUILD_TYPE=debug CXX=clang++-6.0 -j8
  • To follow GNU directives https://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/Directory-Variables.html you can override variables PREFIX, DESTDIR, INCLUDEDIR, LIBDIR, PKGLIBDIR, BINDIR, DATADIR.
  • You can activate the verbose mode with VERBOSE=1 (or shorter V=1) : V=1 make BUILD_TYPE=debug CXX=clang++-6.0 -j8.

Compilation for Mac OS X

Same principe than for Linux: a binary is created inside $(BUILD) folder. If you want to create a bundle application. You can add the following code:

ifeq ($(ARCHI),Darwin)
APPLE_IDENTIFIER = lecrapouille
MACOS_BUNDLE_ICON = data/icon.icns
  • The ifeq ($(ARCHI),Darwin) endif if optional and allow to generated MacOS application if and only if your Makefile is called from a Mac device and therefore provide creating non-crossed compiled application from ie Linux.
  • BUILD_MACOS_APP_BUNDLE will add a all: $(TARGET).app for you.
  • APPLE_IDENTIFIER allows to create inside the Info.plist a field com.$(APPLE_IDENTIFIER).$(TARGET).
  • MACOS_BUNDLE_ICON define the path of your bundle application icon. If not set a default icon will be used.

Compilation for Windows


Compilation with Emscripten or Emscripten-exa

To compile your project with Emscripten or with Emscripten-exa, add emmake before the make command. Where emmake is a script offered by Emscripten that calls your makefile but set before all environement variables for you.

  • For Emscripten:
make download-external-libs
V=1 emmake make compile-external-libs
V=1 emmake make -j8
emmake make run

The emmake make run will call emrun calling python -m http.server 8080 and localhost:8080/project_name.html. Note: small issue the whole project is compiled back everytime.

  • For Emscripten-exa (experimental):

Type the same command than for Emscripten but inside this Docker.

Compilation Clang vs. GCC

By default gcc is called (because of $CXX). To compile with clang++.

make CXX=clang++-11 -j8

Hello-World MyMakefile with unit-tests example

Let suppose you want to add a unit test folder for your project. Just do this:

├── .makefile/
├── Makefile
├── Makefile.common
├── src/
│   ├── main.cpp
│   ├── foo.cpp
│   └── main.hpp
├── test/
│   ├── Makefile
│   ├── tests.cpp
│   ├── tests.hpp
│   └── VERSION.txt
└── VERSION.txt
  • An optional Makefile.common can be added for factorizing information between Makefile and test/Makefile (such as PROJECT, VPATH, INCLUDES, DEFINES, THIRDPART_LIBS, LINKER_FLAGS) and including $(M)/Makefile.header. This Makefile.common file is not mandatory.

  • Each Makefile defines P the path to the root of the project (. for ./Makefile and .. for test/Makefile) and include the Makefile.common.

Example Makefile.common:

PROJECT = CheckMyMakefile
include $(M)/Makefile.header
VPATH += $(P)/src
INCLUDES += $(P)/src

And test/Makefile:

DESCRIPTION = Unit tests for $(PROJECT)
BUILD_TYPE = release

P := ..
M := $(P)/.makefile
include $(M)/Makefile.common

OBJS = tests.o foo.o

all: $(TARGET)

include $(M)/Makefile.footer

A more complex example

This Makefile show lot of MyMakefile variables. Explainations are given in the next section.

P := .
M := $(P)/.makefile

PROJECT = CheckMyMakefile
DESCRIPTION = Project template testing MyMakefile
BUILD_TYPE = debug

SUFFIX = .cpp
STANDARD = --std=c++14


include $(M)/Makefile.header

OBJS += main.o

VPATH += src src/foo
INCLUDES += -Isrc -Iinclude

LINKER_FLAGS += -L/not/official/path -lesoteric
PKG_LIBS += gtk+-3.0

all: $(TARGET)


include $(M)/Makefile.footer

A very complex example

Let suppose you have several folders for compiling internal libraries. In our cases:

  • src/folder/lib1/{Makefile, *.cpp, *.hpp}
  • src/folder/lib2/{Makefile, *.cpp, *.hpp}
  • src/folder/lib3/{Makefile, *.cpp, *.hpp}

The top-level Makefile will refer them as follow:

# We refer libraires from the build folder of the project root folder.
LIB1 = $(abspath $(P)/$(BUILD)/lib1.a)
LIB2 = $(abspath $(P)/$(BUILD)/lib2.a)
LIB3 = $(abspath $(P)/$(BUILD)/lib3.a)

# Define them as THIRDPART_LIBS

# Indicate the path of folders having the Makefile compiling libraries
DIRS_WITH_MAKEFILE := src/Editor src/Net src/julia

# Define dummy Makefile rules for compiling libraries
$(LIB1): src/folder/lib1

$(LIB2): src/folder/lib2

$(LIB3): src/folder/lib3

# Order their compilation
src/folder/lib3: src/folder/lib2

src/folder/lib2: src/folder/lib1

Makefiles for compiling librairies (src/folder/lib/Makefile) should refer the build folder to the top-level build folder. Note: since we are compiling librairies you shall use LIB_OBJS and the all: rule shall contains $(STATIC_LIB_TARGET) $(SHARED_LIB_TARGET) $(PKG_FILE)

BUILD := $(P)/build
LIB_OBJS += foo.o ...

.PHONY: all

Inside MyMakefile

Description of useful macros

Explanations of MyMakefile variables:

  • [Mandatory] P shall indicate the relative path to the root folder (., .. etc).
  • [Mandatory] M shall indicate the relative path of the folder containing the MyMakefile repo (usually M := $(P)/.makefile).
  • [Mandatory] PROJECT is the main project name.
  • [Mandatory] TARGET is the name of your binary or library that your Makefile file is compiling for. TARGET can be equal to PROJECT but for the same project, you may want several binaries and therefore several Makefile targets (for example MyGame-lib, MyGame-exec, and MyGame-unit-tests). When typing make install resources files will be install in their sub-folders (such as PROJECT/PROJECT_VERSION.txt/TARGET/TARGET_VERSION.txt/). The current constraint is to have one Makefile file for each target (this is not a major problem if your create one folder by sub-project).
  • [Mandatory] DESCRIPTION explain your target in few words. This information is used for pkg-config file when TARGET is a library (or soon for Open Build Service).
  • [Optional] LOGO the path of your logo for your Doxygen documentation.
  • [Optional] DOXY_INPUT extra paths to search for Doxygen.
  • [Mandatory] BUILD_TYPE allow compile the project either in release mode (compiled with -O2 and no gdb symbols) or debug mode (compiled with -O0 -g3 and extra compilation flags and use backward-cpp) or normal mode (compiled -O2 -g). This mode is very slow and generates bigger executable size but nice for developement.
  • [Optional] when BUILD_TYPE=release backward-cpp is disabled.
  • [Optional] You can activate gprof with USE_GPROF=1 and make gprof rule.
  • [Optional] You can activate address sanitizer with USE_ASAN=1 and make asan rule.
  • [Optional] You can activate code covergae with USE_COVERAGE=1 and make coverage rule.
  • [Default=.cpp] SUFFIX allows choosing between a c++ or a c project (Note I've hardly tested C projects).
  • [Default=--std=c++11] STANDARD is only used for c++ projects. It defines the c++ standard (gnu++11, std++14, etc).
  • [Default=external/] $(P)/THIRDPART refers to the folder containing thirdpart libraries (git cloned from GitHub for example). In my case, in debug mode, I compile my project against the https://github.com/bombela/backward-cpp (placed in $(THIRDPART) directory) for displaying the stack trace when a segfault occurred.
  • [Default=build/] BUILD refers to the folder holding compiled files.
  • [Default=doc/] DOC refers to the folder holding generated documentation (doxygen ...)
  • [Mandatory] OBJS is the list of object files you want to compile. Do not include their path just their name with the extension .o (ie foo.o bar.o).
  • [Optional] VPATH and INCLUDES allow to find .c or .cpp and .hpp or .h files. Use the macro P in paths (ie $(P)/src).
  • [Optional] COMPIL_FLAGS if set it will had extra compilation flags to CXXFLAGS. By default CXXFLAGS is set with plenty of good compilation flags for clang and gcc.
  • [Optional] LINKER_FLAGS if set it will had extra linkage flags to LDFLAGS. By default LDFLAGS is set with plenty of good linker flags for clang and gcc.
  • [Optional] CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS allow to replace default values by your own flags (in the case you do not desire to use default compilation/linker flags).
  • [Mandatory] Makefile.header is mandatory else MyMakefile will not be called. Beware of placing it correctly (some variables are nevertheless checked by MyMakefile).
  • [Optional] DEFINES hold your macro definitions.
  • [Optional] PKG_LIBS defines system libraries known by the command pkg-config which will add extra flags to CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS. In the case you want to force using static library you can add --static before the library name. For example: PKG_LIBS += glew --static glfw3.
  • [Optional] NOT_PKG_CONFIG defines system libraries unknown from the command pkg-config. This will add extra flags to CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS.
  • [Optional] THIRDPART_OBJS and THIRDPART_LIBS define .o, .a or .so (.dll or .dylib) files once your third part have been compiled. I personally add in THIRDPART shell scripts such as download-external-libs.sh (called by make download-external-libs) and compile-external-libs.sh (called by make compile-external-libs) to allow to git clone github projects and compile them. This avoids having git submodules (which I dislike).
  • [Mandatory] all: tell Makefile what to compile. In this case the binary $(TARGET) its libraries $(STATIC_LIB_TARGET), $(SHARED_LIB_TARGET) and the pkg-config file $(PKG_FILE) (when typing make install).
  • Including Makefile.footer is mandatory.

How are made CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS?

Here how internally (privately) CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS are made:

  • := $(CXXFLAGS) and := $(LDFLAGS) are predefined flags the := allow you replace values by ypur values.
  • $(PKGCFG_CFLAGS) is made by PKG_LIBS when calling the option --cflags.
  • $(PKGCFG_LIBS) is made by PKG_LIBS when calling the option --libs.
  • $(OPTIM_FLAGS) is changed by BUILD_TYPE=release or BUILD_TYPE=debug.
  • $(DEFINES) is defined by you.
  • $(INCLUDES) is defined by you.
  • $(COMPIL_FLAGS) and $(LINKER_FLAGS) are defined by you.
  • $(THIRDPART_LIBS) are defined by after having compiled your external libraries.
  • $(NOT_PKG_LIBS) are system libs when not define by a pkg-config file.

Description of installation macros

  • You have to write your own install rule (usually named install:). Place it after the all:.
  • Call sudo make install to install your project in your system but you can also modify DESTDIR and PREFIX to tell to the make install rule where to install your software:
    • PREFIX: determines where the package will go when it is installed, and where it will look for its associated files when it is run. It's what you should use if you're just compiling something for use on a single host. Default value: /usr/local
    • DESTDIR: is for installing to a temporary directory which is not where the package will be run from.
    • Example: sudo make DESTDIR=/foo PREFIX=/usr/local/bar install will install binaries in /foo/usr/local/bar/bin.
    • Other macros are INCLUDEDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/include, LIBDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu, PKGLIBDIR ?= $(LIBDIR)/pkgconfig, BINDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/bin, DATADIR ?= $(PREFIX)/share.

Some macros are here to help you:

  • $(call INSTALL_BINARY) to install your binary into $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin.
  • $(call INSTALL_DOCUMENTATION) to install your documentation into $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/$(PROJECT)/$(TARGET_VERSION.txt). This will copy the followinf files and folders: $(GENDOC) data/, examples/, AUTHORS, LICENSE, README.md, ChangeLog.
  • $(call INSTALL_PROJECT_LIBRARIES) to install shared and static libraries into $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/lib and pkg-confile file into /usr/lib/pkgconfig.
  • $(call INSTALL_PROJECT_HEADERS) to install header files (.hpp and .h) from include/ and src/ folders into $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/$(PROJECT)-$(TARGET_VERSION.txt).
  • $(call INSTALL_PROJECT_INCLUDES) to install header files (from include/ folders into $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/$(PROJECT)-$(TARGET_VERSION.txt).
  • $(call INSTALL_PROJECT_FOLDER,folder) to install the folder into $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/$(PROJECT)/$(TARGET_VERSION.txt).
  • $(call INSTALL_THIRDPART_FOLDER,ThirdPartLibrary/src,LibraryName,-name "*.h") to copy recursively all h files from the folder $(THIRDPART)/ThirdPartLibrary/src into $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/$(PROJECT)-$(TARGET_VERSION.txt)/LibraryName. The -name "*.h" is a parameter to the command find.
  • $(call INSTALL_THIRDPART_FILES,ThirdPartLibrary,LibraryName,-name "*.h") to copy all h files from the folder $(THIRDPART)/ThirdPartLibrary/src into $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/$(PROJECT)-$(TARGET_VERSION.txt)/LibraryName. The -name "*.h" is a parameter to the command find.

Description of internal files

  • Makefile.header: is the part of your Makefile to be included as header part. It contains the code for knowing your architecture, your compiler, destination folder for installation. It defines your project folder name (build, doc, external). It also checks against uninitialized variables.
  • Makefile.macros: contains code for defining paths, libraries/project names, installation ...
  • Makefile.color: define colorful displays and progress bar for hiding the misery of compilation.
  • Makefile.flags: add all GCC/clang compilation flags findable in the world and more :)
  • Makefile.help: Allow Makefile to auto parse and display its own rules.
  • Makefile.footer: is the part of your Makefile to be included as footer part: it defines a set of Makefile rules (like compiling c++ files or linking the project, ...).
  • Some Bash scripts exist and are called by Makefile rules:
  • targz.sh: for creating a backup of the code source project. The code source is compressed. git files, compiled and generated files (like doc) are not taken into account.
  • config.sh: for creating a C++ project_info.hpp file needed when compiling the project.

Order of inclusion:

  • Makefile.header will include Makefile.macros that will include Makefile.color.
  • Makefile.footer will include Makefile.flags and Makefile.help.