
CUDA implementation of the Bellman-Ford's algorithm.

Primary LanguageCudaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

CUDA implementation of the Bellman-Ford algorithm

This project is the thesis work of Filippo Barbari for academic year 2020/2021.

This program is distributed under the GNU GPL v3 license. Please check the COPYING file.


All source files are contained inside the src folder. The executable files will be created in the bin folder.

Compile on Windows

You can use the file compile.bat to compile .cu files. Pass the name of the file, without extension, as first parameter to compile it. Otherwise, you can type compile.bat all to compile all of them. Then pass as second parameter the CUDA architecture you want to compile for. For each file, it runs nvcc -arch=<my-architecture> -Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets src\<my-file>.cu -o bin\<my-file>.exe.

Compile on Linux

You can use the file compile.sh to compile .cu files. Pass the name of the file, without extension, as first parameter to compile it. Otherwise, you can type ./compile.sh all to compile all of them. Then pass as second parameter the CUDA architecture you want to compile for. For each file, it runs nvcc -arch=<my-architecture> -Wno-deprecated-gpu-targets src/<my-file>.cu -o bin/<my-file>.exe.


All test files are contained inside the test folder. Those files contain the graph representation of the road map of Rome (Italy) and some countries of the USA: for this reason, they are planar graphs. You can generate a new test file using the program graphgen.c inside the src folder: check the comments inside it to learn how to use it. This program generates a random graph that is highly improbable to be planar. The actual test file is the .in one, the .sol file is the solution.

Testing on Windows

You can use the file test.bat to test .exe files. Pass the name of the file, without extension, as first parameter to test it. Otherwise, you can type test.bat all to test all of them. Then pass as second parameter the test file, without extension, you want to use. For each file, it runs bin\<my-file>.exe < test\<my-test-file>.in > result.out and then checks if the result is correct with fc result.out test\<my-test-file>.sol.

Testing on Linux

You can use the file test.sh to test .exe files. Pass the name of the file, without extension, as first parameter to test it. Otherwise, you can type ./test.sh all to test all of them. Then pass as second parameter the test file, without extension, you want to use. For each file, it runs bin/<my-file>.exe < test/<my-test-file>.in > result.out and then checks if the result is correct with diff --strip-trailing-cr -q result.out test/<my-test-file>.sol.


The main document of this project is a tex file inside the doc folder. You can create the .pdf file running

biber "tesi"
pdflatex.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode "tesi".tex