
A comprehensive Docker Compose setup for a home media server, featuring Jellyfin, Sonarr, Radarr, qBittorrent, and more. This stack provides a complete solution for media management, streaming, and automated downloads, all secured behind a Caddy reverse proxy.

MIT LicenseMIT

Home Media Server Stack

This project sets up a comprehensive home media server stack using Docker Compose. It includes various services for media management, streaming, downloading, and network management.


  • Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system
  • A server or NAS with sufficient storage and processing power
  • Basic understanding of Docker and networking concepts

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine or server.

  2. Create the necessary directories:

    mkdir -p /srv/media/config /srv/media/data
    mkdir -p /srv/media/config/{caddy,prowlarr,sonarr,radarr,qbittorrent,jellyfin,filebrowser,audiobookshelf,readarr,boinc,scrutiny,blocky}
    mkdir -p /srv/media/data/public/{TV,Movies,Anime,Books,Audiobooks,Podcasts}
  3. Copy the .env.example file to .env and update the variables according to your environment:

    cp .env.example .env

    Edit the .env file and adjust the values as needed.

  4. Create the external network for Caddy:

    docker network create caddy-public
  5. Deploy the stack:

    docker-compose up -d


The stack includes the following services:

  • Caddy: Reverse proxy and automatic HTTPS
  • Prowlarr: Indexer manager
  • Sonarr: TV show management
  • Radarr: Movie management
  • qBittorrent: Torrent client
  • Jellyfin: Media streaming server
  • FileBrowser: Web-based file manager
  • Audiobookshelf: Audiobook and podcast server
  • Readarr: Book and audiobook management
  • BOINC: Distributed computing platform
  • Scrutiny: Hard drive monitoring
  • Blocky: DNS server with ad-blocking capabilities
  • Watchtower: Automatic Docker container updates


Most services can be configured through their web interfaces. Default ports and paths are defined in the docker-compose.yml file.

Important Notes

  • The Caddy service requires access to a Tailscale network. Make sure Tailscale is properly set up on your server.
  • Jellyfin is configured to use hardware acceleration. Ensure your system supports this feature.
  • The BOINC service is set to run only on the "ledokun" node. Adjust this constraint if needed.
  • Scrutiny is configured to monitor specific drives. Update the devices section in the docker-compose.yml file to match your system's drives.


The stack uses two networks:

  • caddy-public: Used by most services for inter-container communication
  • caddy-host: Used by Caddy to access the host network


The Watchtower service is configured to automatically update all containers daily at 4:00 AM. You can also manually update containers using Docker Compose:

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d


  • If you encounter permission issues, ensure the PUID and PGID in the .env file match your user's ID and group ID.

  • Check the logs of individual services for more detailed error messages:

    docker-compose logs [service_name]


Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests if you have suggestions for improvements or encounter any problems.


This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.