
Client-server application based on .NET 8 and microservice for retrieving cryptocurrency rates

Primary LanguageC#

WPF Client - Server Cryptocurrency rates


The project demonstrates getting and updating cryptocurrency exchange rates getting data about running Windows services and showing names of services:

  • Actual cryptocurrency rates from https://coincap.io/

  • Windows services that are currently running

The program is written in C# language on .NET 6 in Visual Studio Enterprise 2022

  • The project included server-side microservice CryptocurrencyRates.Gateway for getting rates from coincap API
  • Service library for concap API CryptocurrencyRates.Services
  • Common library for further app extension CryptocurrencyRates.Common
  • WPF desktop application CryptoCurrencyRates.Client

In development mode in gateway microservice, it can use Swagger UI for server-side test app and coincap API. The logging is available in CryptocurrencyRates.Gateway and write into a file. You be able to find it in CryptocurrencyRates.Gateway bin folder called Logs

Programm setup:

  • CryptocurrencyRates.Gateway: use appsettings.json and the next section
"ConcapApi": {
    "BaseUrl": "https://api.coincap.io/v2/rates",
    "Timeout":  -1 
  • CryptoCurrencyRates.The client uses appsettings.json and the next section to change the host IP address for CryptocurrencyRates.Gateway
"CryptocurrencyRatesGateway": {
    "GatewayUrl": "https://localhost:7208/api/CryptoCurrency/GetCurrentRates"

UI Layouts