Tidy bibtex files. Try it out.
npm install -g bibtex-tidy
bibtex-tidy references.bib
@ARTICLE {feinberg1983technique,
title={A technique for radiolabeling DNA restriction endonuclease fragments to high specific activity},
author="Feinberg, Andrew P and Vogelstein, Bert",
journal = {Analytical biochemistry},
volume = 132,
title={Qualitative data analysis: A sourcebook},
author={Miles, Matthew B and Huberman, A Michael and Saldana, J},
journal={Beverly Hills},
After bibtex-tidy references.bib --curly --numeric
title = {A technique for radiolabeling DNA restriction endonuclease fragments to high specific activity},
author = {Feinberg, Andrew P and Vogelstein, Bert},
year = 1983,
journal = {Analytical biochemistry},
publisher = {Elsevier},
volume = 132,
number = 1,
pages = {6--13}
title = {Qualitative data analysis: A sourcebook},
author = {Miles, Matthew B and Huberman, A Michael and Saldana, J},
year = 1984,
journal = {Beverly Hills}
Usage: bibtex-tidy [OPTION]... FILE.BIB
BibTeX Tidy - cleaner and formatter for BibTeX files.
--help Show help
--omit Remove fields - Remove specified fields from
bibliography entries.
Examples: --omit=id,name
--curly Enclose values in curly braces - Enclose all property
values in braces. Quoted values will be converted to
braces. For example, "Journal of Tea" will become
{Journal of Tea}.
--numeric Use numeric values where possible - Strip quotes and
braces from numeric/month values. For example, {1998}
will become 1998.
--space Indent with spaces - Prefix all fields with the
specified number of spaces (ignored if tab is set).
Examples: --space=2 (default) --space=4
--tab Indent with tabs - Prefix all fields with a tab.
--align Align values - Insert whitespace between fields and
values so that values are visually aligned.
Examples: --align=14 (default) --no-align'
--sort Sort bibliography entries - Sort entries by specified
fields. For descending order, prefix the field with a
dash (-).
Examples: (sort by id)', --sort=-year,name (sort year
descending then name ascending)', --sort=name,year'
--duplicates Check for duplicates - If there are duplicates, output
warnings. When using with the `merge` option, this
determines which entries to merge. Two entries are
considered duplicates in the following cases: (a) their
DOIs are identical, (b) their abstracts are identical,
or (c) their authors and titles are both identical. The
firstmost entry is kept and any extra properties from
duplicate entries are incorporated.
Examples: --duplicates (warn if sharing doi, key,
abstract, or citation) --duplicates doi (warn if DOIs
are identicals) --duplicates key (warn if IDs are
identicals) --duplicates abstract (warn if abstracts are
similar) --duplicates citation (warn if author and
titles are similar) --duplicates doi, key (warn if DOI
or keys are identical)
--merge Merge duplicate entries - Merge duplicates entries. How
duplicates are identified can be set using the
`duplicates` option. There are different ways to merge:
- first: only keep the original entry - last: only keep
the last found duplicate - combine: keep original entry
and merge in fields of duplicates if they do not already
exist - overwrite: keep original entry and merge in
fields of duplicates, overwriting existing fields if
they exist
--strip-enclosing-braces Strip double-braced values - Where an entire value is
enclosed in double braces, remove the extra braces. For
example, {{Journal of Tea}} will become {Journal of
--drop-all-caps Drop all caps - Where values are all caps, make them
title case. For example, {JOURNAL OF TEA} will become
{Journal of Tea}.
--escape Escape special characters - Escape special characters,
such as umlaut. This ensures correct typesetting with
Examples: --escape (default) --no-escape
--sort-fields Sort fields - Sort the fields within entries. The
default sort order is XXX. Alternatively, you can
specify field names delimed by spaces or commas.
Examples: --sort-fields=name,author
--sort-properties Alias of sort fields (legacy)
--strip-comments Remove comments - Remove all comments from the bibtex
--encode-urls Encode URLs - Replace invalid URL characters with
percent encoded values.
--tidy-comments Tidy comments - Remove whitespace surrounding
--quiet Suppress logs and warnings.
--backup Make a backup <filename>.original
Examples: --backup (default) --no-backup (do not create
a backup)
Merging duplicates
Using --merge will cause bibtex-tidy to merge any entries which share the same DOI, have identical abstracts, or have identical authors and title.
Programmatic usage
npm install bibtex-tidy
const tidy = require('bibtex-tidy');
const bibtex = fs.readFileSync('references.bib', 'utf8');
tidy.tidy(bibtex, { curly: true }); // options are identical to command line usage
<script src=""></script>
var bibtex = document.getElementById('input').value;
var result = bibtexTidy.tidy(bibtex);
console.log(result.bibtex); // the tidied bibtex
Also available on bower
bower install bibtex-tidy
Building and Testing
To build bibtex-tidy, run:
npm run build
Unit tests can be run using:
npm test