
This is a smart Router made with Linkit 7688, You can write something in the web page,the printer will print it out

Primary LanguageC++

IoT Router


This is a smart home IoT Router with a thermal printer as well as Grove Sensors and Grove actuators, you can write something in the web page of your local network, the printer will print it out. You can also control the relay and read the Grove Sensor values remotely.

A few months ago, I shared my project about Router named Smart router with WiFi Connection Visualization. http://www.instructables.com/id/Make-a-Colorful-Smart-Router/ which can tell you how many devices connected to your router and how fast the net speed, many people thought it was so cool to make a router according to their own situations.

This time, I made a router again for my grandpa who had Alzheimer’s disease. Recently, every morning when he got up always forget what should he do that day. So, I made a router connecting a thermal printer, every night before he go to bed, he can write something that should to be done next day in the web page and the printer will print it out. Then every morning that he should to do is to look what the printer has already print out. Other people can also write something that they want to tell grandpa in the web page as well. Take me for example, I always write I love him every day before he gets up.

In addition, the router also connected Grove Sensors and Grove Relay. I can control the relay and upload the sensor values to MediaTek Cloud Sandbox.

I hope that there will be more people pay attention to this open source project. Let’s do something special for special people like my grandpa who had Alzheimer’s disease. Well, now let’s get started the journey of making.

Documents and Guide

I have writen a full user guide for this project (At least I think is clear enough). You can click the following photo to download the guide in pdf format.

You can find this project on INSTRUCTABLES website.



And of course:

MIT: http://rem.mit-license.org