vscode theme seti standard color.

This script generates an extension icon theme for vscode from vscode source extension changing all icons to the same color.

Generate theme

Download Folder

npm i -g degit
degit microsoft/vscode/extensions/theme-seti ./theme-seti

run Replace Colors scirpt

Modify args.js

module.exports = {
  color: '#666',
  copyToPackageJson: {
    name: 'vscode-theme-seti-666',
    version: '21.1.6',
    license: 'MIT',
    publisher: 'lee182',
    repository: {
      type: 'git',
      url: 'https://github.com/Lee182/vscode-theme-seti-666'
  packageNLS: {
    displayName: 'Seti Desaturated #666',
    description: 'Seti theme with standard color #666 desaturated gray color',
    themeLabel: 'Seti Desaturated #666'
$ node index.js

Generate extension

$ cd theme-seti $ vsce package $ vsce publish