
Snake game for 'Basic Programming2' project

Primary LanguageC++


Snake game for 'Basic Programming2' project.

This program development is finished on 2018.10.05.

First, comments would be added, and ppt file wil be uploaded.

Next, bomb will be added.

Then, I will make levels for this. There are three stages and each stage has different speed and number of bombs.

Finally, after all of this, our class will make the maze by using what we've learned from the snake game.

2018.09.13 Decided not to make the maze

Basic Rules

Rule 1: As snake hits the food, it gets +10 points, and it's length stretches fo 1.

Rule 2: As snake hits the wall, game is over.

Rule 3: Key P is pause.

Rule 4: Key S is status for developers.

<LeeChangYoon 2018.09.09>

Added Rules

Rule 1: If snake hits te bomb, then it loses 10 points, and it's length shrinks for 1.

Rule 2: Stage 2 is unlocked on 70 and gives 30 additional points.

Rule 3: Stage 3 is unlocked on 200 and gives 50 additional points

<LeeChangYoon 2018. 09. 16>


  1. Bug fixed -> latest bomb now disappears. <LeeChangYoon 2018. 09. 23>

  2. As score goes to negative, score doesn't displayed before. But, it is fixed now <LeeChangYoon 2018. 10. 01>

  3. Stages UI fixed.

  4. Files has been seperated to header and sorce code. <LeeChangYoon 2018. 10. 05>