This materials contain basic knowledge of deep learning and tensorflow.
- 딥러닝_이론부터_실습까지_6시간 : 6시간~8시간 발표 분량의 요약 자료
- Deep_Learning_Basic 1, 2: 전체 자료
presentation file of this seminar. It covers deep learning and tensorflow basic knowledge.
- Introduction: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning
- Regression and Classification
- Artificial Neural Network
- Tensorflow Practice #1 : Linear Regression and ANN
- Tensorflow Basic : Basic Knowledge of Tensorflow
- Convolutional Neural Netowrk
- Tensorflow Practice #2 : ConvNet (MNIST)
- Recurrent Neural Network
- Tensorflow Practice #3 : Recurrenct models (S&P500)
- How to avoid overfitting: Regularization, Validation data, Dropout
- Learning much faster: Feature scaling, mini-batch, batch-normalization
- Linear Regression
- Artificial Neural Network
- Artificial Nerual Network with mini-batch learning
- Compute Gradient (including gradient cliiping)
- Data Reader in Tensorflow
- Convolutional Neural Network with MNIST dataset
- Recurrent Neural Network with S&P 500