Pinned Repositories
A series of tasks from my time in the coding boot camp. These were used as practice for us students to learn new elements of code.
As part of the Coding BootCamp, I was tasked with creating a fully working quiz, based around coding, putting to use my skills with HTML, CSS and Javascript. Give it a try and see how you do!
For this project, I was given the task of creating the back end functionality for an E-Commerce application. Using the application code provided, I had to ensure that the app was fully connected together in order to run as intended.
Sights & Sounds is an event planning app, which was created as part of the Coding Boot Camp. Enter a location and find a series of events & attractions within that area.
I was given the challenge of creating the back end of a note taking website by using Express.js. I was given the main HTML, CSS and JS, and it was my responsibility to create the back end of the site, so a user could use it as it was intended.
P1xel is a new gaming application which was created as part of the Coding Boot Camp. P1xel allows users to search for any type of video game, present them with information about that and allow them to add them to their own personal lists of Have Played or Want to Play. Users can also link their Steam account and see what their friends have been up to.
Pridely is a new business app which supports and champions the LGBTQIA+ community. Pridely lets you search for a creative based business or promote your business in a space where everyone is welcome. You can find, follow and review businesses who use the app, and even set up your own personal profile and dashboard.
My first official portfolio built using React. This app is a showcase of all the work I have created so far during my time at the University of Birmingham Coding Boot Camp.
A functional weather dashboard created during the Coding Boot Camp. Enter a location to get full details about the weather in that area, as well as a forecast for the next 5 days!
LeeFarnell's Repositories
A series of tasks from my time in the coding boot camp. These were used as practice for us students to learn new elements of code.
As part of the Coding BootCamp, I was tasked with creating a fully working quiz, based around coding, putting to use my skills with HTML, CSS and Javascript. Give it a try and see how you do!
For this project, I was given the task of creating the back end functionality for an E-Commerce application. Using the application code provided, I had to ensure that the app was fully connected together in order to run as intended.
Sights & Sounds is an event planning app, which was created as part of the Coding Boot Camp. Enter a location and find a series of events & attractions within that area.
I was given the challenge of creating the back end of a note taking website by using Express.js. I was given the main HTML, CSS and JS, and it was my responsibility to create the back end of the site, so a user could use it as it was intended.
P1xel is a new gaming application which was created as part of the Coding Boot Camp. P1xel allows users to search for any type of video game, present them with information about that and allow them to add them to their own personal lists of Have Played or Want to Play. Users can also link their Steam account and see what their friends have been up to.
Pridely is a new business app which supports and champions the LGBTQIA+ community. Pridely lets you search for a creative based business or promote your business in a space where everyone is welcome. You can find, follow and review businesses who use the app, and even set up your own personal profile and dashboard.
My first official portfolio built using React. This app is a showcase of all the work I have created so far during my time at the University of Birmingham Coding Boot Camp.
A functional weather dashboard created during the Coding Boot Camp. Enter a location to get full details about the weather in that area, as well as a forecast for the next 5 days!
As part of our first task for the coding boot camp, we needed to refactor a website to ensure it was accessibility friendly and optimized for search engines.
My first attempt at professional portfolio for all of the work that I have completed so far. This was created as part of the coding boot camp using HTML & CSS
For this project, I was given the task of creating an Employee Tracker app which uses MySQL and Inquirer in order for a user to create, read, update and delete employees, roles and departments from the tracker, and display them in a table, using console.table.
I was given a preset HTML and CSS page and it was my task to create the javascript element for a password generator. It was my responsibility to ensure that the necessary criteria from the user story was met.
Before I officially started the coding boot camp, we were given some pre-work to complete. This included setting up our first web page with information about ourselves.
This project was to test our skills using node.js. Following the user story, we had to build a Read Me Generator which would create a file based on the inputs from the user. The user would answer a series of questions, and those answers would show in the ReadMe.
RPG (Or Random Pokemon Generator) is my first attempt at building a React App. I used this as a practice run so I could test out the React skills I had learned so far. Give it a try!
For this project, my assignment was to create an application which would use Inquirer.js to create a HTML page for a team of employees. When the app is first run, the user would be given a series of prompts that, when finished, would generate the HTML with all of the user input.
As part of the Coding BootCamp, I was tasked with a user story to create a dynamic work day scheduler, for people who need to plan out their day. We were given a basic base code and CSS and my job was to create the necessary javascript document to ensure all the necessary criteria from the user story was met.