#Android String XML-CSV Converter ##What does it do? ####It will convert strings.xml, arrays.xml, plurals.xml ####to CSV ####and back!
##Why? You want to translate strings, arrays, plurals in strings.xml, arrays.xml, and plurals.xml into different languages in csv so you can use as spreadsheet in Excel, Google Drive
##Requirement Java JRE 8 or Jetbrains IDE
##How to use it?
- Download the file
- Unzip or untar the file
- Open groovy-app/bin/groovy-app (groovy-app.bat if you are on Windows)
- From here, with the GUI onwards it's pretty self explanatory. Select Android folder for the value and the location of your saved csv.
####OR Download and install the IntelliJ or Android Studio Plugin from the jetbrains repository or here
It won't convert arrays and plurals (yet), make sure you save them in other files such as array.xml
- Ability to convert arrays and plurals
- IntelliJ and Android Studio plugin
- [] Clean up the (very ugly) codes
- Enable the application to run in Java version less than 8
- Added support for commas