
Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


This is the home for any projects I decide to create associated with my tutorials. See gamedevbill.com for all the tutorials, and follow me on twitter to stay up to date!

Shader Timeline

Project based on the tutorial (coming soon). The code in this project provides the baseline for driving shader inputs from Timeilne. Out of the box it supports Float, Vector, and Color inputs. It should be relatively straightforward to extend to other types as needed. Just look at the tutorial to understand what's going on in the system.

  • ShaderTimeline/ShaderPlayable.cs - Runtime data holder. Depending on how you extend Timeline, this class can do more, but for us it just needs data.
  • ShaderTimeline/ShaderControlAsset.cs - The editor-pair that goes with our above data. It holds the data as you set it in the editor, and has the code needed to create the runtime data holder.
  • ShaderTimeline/ShaderTrack.cs - The timeline track. This asset is the actual track added onto the timeline. Each track can hold a collection of ShaderControlAsset’s.
  • ShaderTimeline/ShaderMixer.cs - The runtime logic piece. This is what will take the multiple ShaderPlayable’s and mix them together based on how the parts of the track are overlapping.
  • TimelineSample/* - The sample scene, timeline, and shader.

Normal Calculation & Normal Calc URP

Projects with the results from How to Calculate Shader Graph Normals. "NormalCaculation" is done in HDRP, and "NormalCalc_URP" is in URP. These samples include two top level shader graphs: FullNormalCorrection & SubGraphNormalCorrection. Each accomplishes the same normal calculation. One as a flat top-level graph, one using sub-graph helpers.

Important contents are all in /Assets/NormalCalculation/:

  • SimpleDeform - the actual vertex displacement subgraph used for example purposes
  • FullNormalCorrection - a graph that recalculates normals all in one graph. Matches screenshot from tutorial. Useful for following full logic flow.
  • SubGraphNormalCorrection - same logic as FullNormalCorrection but broken into sub-graphs. Useful to model when actually doing this in real life as it's a lot easier to hook up.
  • Neighbors - first stage subgraph. Used by SubGraphNormalCorrection before feeding into the vertex displacement.
  • NewNormal - final stage subgraph. Used by SubGraphNormalCorrection after feeding into the vertex displacement.

Please see the tutorial for a complete explanation of what's going on.

Paper Burn

Based on the Paper Burn Shader in Unity tutorial. The one difference is that the tutorial used the crumple paper as the baseline, but this one uses "mathy noise". The reason being that my crumple uses a texture that's generated by paid-for software and I can't put it up here for public use.

The relevant pieces are all in Assets/Shaders.

  • BurnData - mostly calculates radius from burn point
  • BurnGradient - math for the multi-color gradient between start of burn and transparent hole.
  • BurnVertexDisplacement - vertex manipulation based on distance from burn point & edge.
  • CalculateBurnNoise - make the burn shape wavy & rough.
  • MathyPaperNoise - unlike the the tutorial, this paper is based on mathy noise instead of the texture-driven crumple.
  • Neighbors - subgraph taken from the Normal Calculation sample projec in this same repo
  • NewNormal - subgraph taken from the Normal Calculation sample projec in this same repo
  • PaperBurn - the top level shader that gets things done.

HSV Nodes

Based on the HSV in Shader Graph tutorial (Hue-Saturation-Value). This is not a complete project, but instead just the two nodes needed.

  • rgb2hsv - subgraph node to convert from RGB to HSV color space
  • hsv2rgb - subgraph node to convert from HSV to RGB color space

2D Fire

Based on the Top Fire Shaders tutorial.