
[CVPR 2022 - Demo Track] - Effective conditioned and composed image retrieval combining CLIP-based features

Primary LanguageSCSS


CLIP for Conditioned image retrieval Demo

Table of Contents

About The Project

This is the official repository of the paper Effective conditioned and composed image retrieval combining CLIP-based features accepted for the Demo Track at CVPR 2022

Conditioned and composed image retrieval extend CBIR systems by combining a query image with an additional text that expresses the intent of the user, describing additional requests w.r.t. the visual content of the query image. This type of search is interesting for e-commerce applications, e.g. to develop interactive multimodal searches and chatbots.

In this demo, we present an interactive system based on a combiner network, trained using contrastive learning, that combines visual and textual features obtained from the OpenAI CLIP network to address conditioned CBIR. The system can be used to improve e-shop search engines. For example, considering the fashion domain it lets users search for dresses, shirts and toptees using a candidate start image and expressing some visual differences w.r.t. its visual content, e.g. asking to change color, pattern or shape.

The proposed network obtains state-of-the-art performance on the FashionIQ dataset and on the more recent CIRR dataset, showing its applicability to the fashion domain for conditioned retrieval, and to more generic content considering the more general task of composed image retrieval.

Built With

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.


We strongly recommend the use of the Anaconda package manager in order to avoid dependency/reproducibility problems. A conda installation guide for linux systems can be found here


  1. Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/ABaldrati/CLIP4CirDemo
  1. Install Python dependencies
conda create -n clip4cir -y python=3.8
conda activate clip4cir
conda install -y -c pytorch pytorch=1.7.1 torchvision=0.8.2
pip install flask==2.0.2
pip install git+https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git
  1. Download FashionIQ and CIRR datasets


Here's a brief description of each and every file and folder in the repo:

  • utils.py: Utils file
  • model.py: Combiner model definition file
  • data_utils.py: Dataset loading and preprocessing utils file
  • extract_features.py: Feature extraction file
  • hubconf.py: Torch Hub config file
  • app.py: Flask server file
  • static: Flask static files folder
  • templates: Flask templates folder

Data Preparation

To properly work with the codebase FashionIQ and CIRR datasets should have the following structure:

└───  fashionIQ_dataset
      └─── captions
            | cap.dress.test.json
            | cap.dress.train.json
            | cap.dress.val.json
            | ...
      └───  images
            | B00006M009.jpg
            | B00006M00B.jpg
            | B00006M6IH.jpg
            | ...
      └─── image_splits
            | split.dress.test.json
            | split.dress.train.json
            | split.dress.val.json
            | ...

└───  cirr_dataset       
       └─── dev
            | dev-0-0-img0.png
            | dev-0-0-img1.png
            | dev-0-1-img0.png
            | ...
       └─── test1
            | test1-0-0-img0.png
            | test1-0-0-img1.png
            | test1-0-1-img0.png 
            | ...
       └─── cirr
            └─── captions
                | cap.rc2.test1.json
                | cap.rc2.train.json
                | cap.rc2.val.json
            └─── image_splits
                | split.rc2.test1.json
                | split.rc2.train.json
                | split.rc2.val.json

Feature Extraction

Before launching the demo it is necessary to extract the features using the following command

python extract_features.py

Run the Demo

Start the server and run the demo using the following command

python app.py

By default, the server run on port 5000 of localhost address:

Demo overview

  • Initially choose the dataset you want to experience with. As the image shown by the image you can experience with CIRR dataset or FashionIQ dataset

  • Choose the reference image

  • Choose or manually insert the relative caption

  • Check out the results. By clicking on a retrieved image you can use such image as reference image in a new query

