
Detailed Explanation of Stock Price Prediction using Linear Regression

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a Stock Market Prediction using Machine Learning and Linear Regression Model. You can choose whatever CSV Stock File to predict as long they have dates and your target prediction. I recommend downloading historical stock price data at Yahoo Finance. Below is a presentation about the whole process of coding this project.

Table of Contents

Choosing Data Set Wisely

Why do I need a data set?
ML depends heavily on data, without data, it is impossible for an “AI” to learn. It is the most crucial aspect that makes algorithm training possible… No matter how great your AI team is or the size of your data set, if your data set is not good enough, your entire AI project will fail! I have seen fantastic projects fail because we didn’t have a good data set despite having the perfect use case and very skilled data scientists. -- Towards Data Science

In conclusion, we must pick dataset that is good for our Linear Regression Model. If I choose AAPL Stocks from 1980 to now...

Figure 1: Graph of APPL Stocks from 1980 to 2020

Figure 1: APPL Stocks from 1980 to 2020

If I try to fit a regression line, the result would be:

Figure 2: Graph of APPL Stocks from 1980 to 2020 with regression line

And if I use r2_score (from sklearn.metrics import r2_score) to calculate the r^2 score for our model, I get 0.53 accuracy which is horrible!

In the end, I decided to start our model from 2005 to this current year, which is 2020 and fit a regression line to it, and this is the result:

Figure 3: Graph of APPL Stocks from 2005 to 2020 with regression line

Accuracy: 0.87

Preprocessing Data

In any Machine Learning process, Data Preprocessing is that step in which the data gets transformed, or Encoded, to bring it to such a state that now the machine can easily parse it. In other words, the features of the data can now be easily interpreted by the algorithm. -- TowardsDataScience

There is a lot of preprocessing data techniques , I recommend this article from TowardsDataScience.

For this project, I have impute NaN(Not a Number) values I saw at the CSV File. We can check whether any of the element is NaN by executing this code: np.any(np.isnan(mat)) which will then output which of the column(s) have NaN value(s) and remove them: x[np.isnan(x)] = np.median(x[~np.isnan(x)])

Linear Regression Model

In statistics, linear regression is a linear approach to modeling the relationship between a scalar response (or dependent variable) and one or more explanatory variables (or independent variables). The case of one explanatory variable is called simple linear regression. --Wikipedia

A simple linear regression equation is y=mx+b, whereas m is the slope/gradient of the polynomial of the line aka y( predict coefficient) and b is the intercept of the line (bias coefficient).

Equation for m and b

P/S: Alpha is b , Beta is m

Simple linear regression is when one independent variable is used to estimate a dependent variable which is what I use for this project. .

When more than one independent variable is present the process is called multiple linear regression。

The key point in the linear regression is that our dependent value should be continuous and cannot be a discrete value. However, the independent variables can be measured on either a categorical or continuous measurement scale. -- Machine Learning With Python By IBM

Before we fit our data into the model, we must convert them(date and prices) to numpy arrays np.asanyarray(dates) and reshape np.reshape(dates,(len(dates),1)) them as sklearn only accept numpy array or sparse matrix.

After that, we need to split our dataset to train data and test data in order to get more accurate evaluation on out of sample(data that didn't train on) accuracyxtrain, xtest, ytrain, ytest = train_test_split(dates, prices, test_size=0.2). I advise to not train and test on the same dataset as it would cause high variance and low bias

Now is time for building linear regression model!

reg = LinearRegression().fit(xtrain, ytrain)

Training Multiple Models

The cons of train_test_splitis that the it's highly dependant on which dataset is trained and tested. One way to approach this problem is to train multiple models and get the highest accuracy model.

best = 0
for _ in range(100):
    xtrain, xtest, ytrain, ytest = train_test_split(dates, prices, test_size=0.2)
    reg = LinearRegression().fit(xtrain, ytrain)
    acc = reg.score(xtest, ytest)
    if acc > best:
    best = acc

Save Regression Model

When dealing with Machine Learning models, it is usually recommended that you store them somewhere. At the private sector, you oftentimes train them and store them before production, while in research and for future model tuning it is a good idea to store them locally. I always use the amazing Python module pickle to do so. -- TowardsDataScience

We can dump(save) our model to .pickle file using this code:

with open('prediction.pickle','wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(reg, f)

and load it for predictions by using this code:

pickle_in = open("prediction.pickle", "rb")
reg = pickle.load(pickle_in)


We can predict stock prices by parsing a date integer. For instance, we want to predict the price stock for tomorrow (considering we downloaded dataset today), we can excecute this line of code:



There are several evaluation methods, I recommend to read this article

The method I'm going to use is R^2 metric

As for the R² metric, it measures the proportion of variability in the target that can be explained using a feature X. Therefore, assuming a linear relationship, if feature X can explain (predict) the target, then the proportion is high and the R² value will be close to 1. If the opposite is true, the R² value is then closer to 0. -- TowardsDataScience

As for the formula:

Formula for R^2 (Sources: datatechnotes)

Whereas MSE is Mean Squared Error, MAE is Mean Absolute Error and RMSE is Root Mean Squared Error

As for the code to execute r^2 score metrics...

reg.score(xtest, ytest)


from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
r2_score(ytest, reg.predict(xtest))

Recommended Resources

I have compiled a list of resources in the field of AI. Let me know some other great resources on AI, ML, DL, NLP, CV and more by email! :)

Thank You!

Thanks for spending time on reading this presentation. Hope you like it! Feel free to contact me by email :)