
MongoDB is open source, NoSQL, document oriented database designed for scaling and performance. MongoDB can be easily interface with Node.js because Mongo provides official native driver.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


MongoDB is open source, NoSQL, document oriented database designed for scaling and performance. MongoDB can be easily interface with Node.js because Mongo provides official native driver. From https://github.com/codeforgeek/Node-and-mongo-tutorial

Build RESTful API using Node and MongoDB

Installation :

Download or clone the code.

Run MongoDB on default instance.

Run program by typing npm start on terminal.

Testing REST api :

Open up REST simulator ( Postman recommended )

Hit following URL's :

/GET localhost:3000 /GET localhost:3000/users /POST localhost:3000/users - send data in JSON format ( Visit tutorial to know format ) /PUT localhost:3000/users/:id /DELETE localhost:3000/users/:id Tutorial link :
