
An Tensorflow Re-Implement of CVPR 2019 "Object-centric Auto-Encoders and Dummy Anomalies for Abnormal Event Detection in Video"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


An Tensorflow Re-Implement Trial (Not Official) of CVPR 2019 "Object-centric Auto-Encoders and Dummy Anomalies for Abnormal Event Detection in Video" Paper Link

Recently, I haven't got the results as awesome as the paper mentioned .(maybe any porblem in the code, I will be appreciated that if you point it out!)

Something may need to be modified, but I have no time to do that

  • 3D Gradients ref instead the 2D gradients in my code.
  • Some Problems may be in SVM Regressor to get 0-1 score


tensorflow >=1.5.0 ( I use tensorflow 1.10.0 )


cyvlfeat ("conda install -c menpo cyvlfeat" recommended)

protoc (you should cd the project dir and them "protoc ./object_detection/protos/string_int_label_map.proto --python_out=." before you train/test)

cffi (if you want to use cffi to link the dynamic library

matlab (If you want to use matlab engie. I am using matalb r2018b, you should make sure the python API works)

vlfeat (If you want to use cffi/matlab, you should download(install) it before.)

Difference between the Author' Work

Considering the author finish the work on Matlab with Vlfeat, there is no complete python version of version available now. So I

  • Replace VlFeat's SVM with Sklearn's OneVsRestClassifier with SGDClassifier as basic estimizer. ( As the author said, SDCA optimizer and hinge loss work well, but there is no SDCA optimizer in sklearn.)

You can also

  • To use C verision Dynamic Libray of Vlfeat by cffi / cython
  • To use tesnorflow to realize the SVM (TF has SDCA optimizer)
  • To use matlab engine to realize it ( The same with the author's, I am trying on it.)

About Score Calculation and Score Smoothing

  1. The method of AUC calculation may leads to unfair comparison Author calculate the AUC by calculate all the video's AUC first, and then calculate the mean of them as the AUC of the dataset (which is in utils/evaluate.py compute_auc_averate). The evaluate.py is borrowed from StevenLiuWen/ano_pred_cvpr2018, which concat all the videos first, and then calculate the AUC as the dataset's AUC.

The Score below is calculated on the score files offered by the author.

AUC type As the author As Liu et.al
Avenue 90.4% 86.56%
ShanghaiTech 84.9% 78.5645%
  1. Score Smoothing influence the Result Output There two parameters in score_smoothing (which is utils/util.py), the parameters can influence the final result.

Framework Overview

The framework include Three Parts:

  1. Object-Detection, use the models release on object_detection zoo, use Resnet50_fpn_coco, you should download the pretrained model first.
  2. Three Conv-Auto-Encoder to extract the features of the cropped content, (the detailed design of which can be found in the paper.)
  3. Kmeans Clustering, then train K one-verse-rest Linear SVMs.
  4. Use K OVC SVMs to calculate the anomaly score.


You can get the download link from github.com/StevenLiuWen/ano_pred_cvpr2018

Path Setting

Several paths you need to set as below:



Training process includes 3 steps:

  1. extract the boxes of the dataset

python inference.py --gpu GPU --dataset avenue --dataset_folder YOUR_PATH_TO_FRAMES_FOLDER --frozen_graph YOUR_PATH_TO_OBJECT_DETECTION_MODEL_FROZEN_GRAPH --box_imgs_npy_path PATH_TO_STORE_FILE

  1. train the CAEs

python train.py --gpu GPU --dataset avenue --train CAE --box_imgs_npy_path PATH_TO_STORE_FILE --dataset_folder YOUR_PATH_TO_FRAMES_FOLDER

  1. clustering and train the SVMs

python train.py --gpu GPU --dataset avenue --train SVM -box_imgs_npy_path PATH_TO_STORE_FILE --dataset_folder YOUR_PATH_TO_FRAMES_FOLDER --class_add True/False --norm 2/1/0


python test.py --gpu GPU --dataset avenue --model_path YOUR_CAE_MODEL_PATH --dataset_folder YOUR_PATH_TO_FRAMES_FOLDER --svm_model YOUR_PATH_TO_SVM_MODEL --class_add True/False --norm 2/1/0 --graph_path PATH_TO_FROZEN_GRAPH


  1. Tensorflow Object Detection API
  2. The codes of evaluation part are from github.com/StevenLiuwen/ano_pred_cvpr2018
  3. The project is based on the paper of "Object-centric Auto-encoders and Dummy Anomalies for Abnormal Event Detection in Video"

If you find this useful, please cite works as follows:

     author = {Jiachang Feng},
     title = { A Implementation of {Obejct-Centric VAD} Using {Tensorflow}},
     year = {2019},
     howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/fjchange/object_centric_VAD}}