Primary LanguagePython

Multi-Task Learning for Conversational Question Answering over a Large-Scale Knowledge Base

Release Note:

  • This is an initial releasing version
  • Thanks @guoday for providing the codes for grammars and logical form search method
  • Some programs are not tested after moving to this repo and keeping anonymous, so if any bug occurred during running, no hesitate to contact me via tao.shen@student.uts.edu.au


This code is based on Tensorflow (1.11 or 1.10) and implemented via Python 3.6. Please install following python package:

timeout_decorator, fuzzywuzzy, tqdm, flask, nltk, ftfy

Download dataset and Bert Model (for its vocab)

To reimplement our experiment, you need to download dataset from website.

  1. Download and unzip dialog files (CSQA_v9.zip ) to the data folder

    unzip data/CSQA_v9.zip -d data/
    mv data/CSQA_v9 data/CSQA
  2. Download wikidata and move all wikidata jsons to "data/kb"

    mkdir data/kb
  3. Down load bert base model from the official github repo to any where

Preprocess and Build KB

Simply run the following code for preprocess and build kb

python main_bfs_preprocess.py

Search GOLD Logical form for Training and Dev

Some key parameter are:

num_parallel: The number of processes to perform the BFS, each consume about 55G ram
max_train: the number of dialog to search

For the training data

90000 dialogs will be searched

python main_bfs_run.py -mode offline -num_parallel 10 -beam_size 1000 -start_index 0 -max_train 90000 -data_mode dir -data_path data/BFS/train -shuffle 1 -out_dir_suffix wo_con -mask_mode direct -all_lf 0

For the dev data

6000 dialogs will be searched

python main_bfs_run.py -mode offline -num_parallel 10 -beam_size 1000 -start_index 0 -max_train 6000 -data_mode dir -data_path data/BFS/dev -shuffle 1 -out_dir_suffix subset_wo_con -mask_mode direct -all_lf 0

The resulting bfs results are data/BFS/train_proc_direct_1000_wo_con and data/BFS/dev_proc_direct_1000_subset_wo_con.

Training the multi-task model

key argments:

  • pretrained_num_layers: -2 for do not loading any pretrianed and -1 for loading the word emb.
  • num_parallels: the number of process to parallally decoding, each consumes 70-80G ram.
python3 main_e2e.py --network_class bert --network_type bert_template --dataset e2e_wo_con \
--preprocessing_hparams \
bert_pretrained_dir=path_to_bert_base,max_sequence_len=72 --training_hparams \
train_batch_size=128,test_batch_size=128,num_epochs=8,eval_period=2000,save_model=True \
--model_hparams \
pos_gain=10.,use_qt_loss_gain=True,seq_label_loss_weight=1.,seq2seq_loss_weight=1.5,pretrained_num_layers=-2,level_for_ner=1,level_for_predicate=1,level_for_type=1,level_for_dec=1,decoder_layer=2,warmup_proportion=0.01,learning_rate=1e-4,hidden_size_input=300,num_attention_heads_input=6,intermediate_size_input=1200,hn=300,clf_head_num=6, \
--model_dir_prefix exp \
--gpu 0;

This will result in a dir located in runtime/run_model/xxx where xxx is the model id.

decoding using trained model

key argments:

  • timeout: timeout second for each example
  • num_parallels: the number of process to parallally decoding, each consumes 70-80G ram.
  • gpu: each gpu with 16G memory can bear maximum three parallels
python3 main_e2e.py --mode parallel_test --network_class bert --network_type bert_template \
--dataset e2e_wo_con \
--preprocessing_hparams bert_pretrained_dir=path_to_bert_base,timeout=5.,num_parallels=7,dump_dir=multi_sp,kb_mode=offline,use_filtered_ent=True \
--training_hparams \
load_model=True,load_path=/path_to_the_dir_gen_previously/ckpt \
--model_dir_prefix parallel_decoding \
--gpu 0,1,2


Paper download

Paper Introduction Video


  author    = {Tao Shen and
               Xiubo Geng and
               Tao Qin and
               Daya Guo and
               Duyu Tang and
               Nan Duan and
               Guodong Long and
               Daxin Jiang},
  title     = {Multi-Task Learning for Conversational Question Answering over a Large-Scale
               Knowledge Base},
  journal   = {CoRR},
  volume    = {abs/1910.05069},
  year      = {2019},
  url       = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1910.05069}