
C/C++ header dependency list generator. Output can be used to create a dependency graph.

Primary LanguagePerl


It is continue of the version. The code itself is licensed under the GNU GPL v2 license. Feel free to use the code as is, or modify it according to your needs. It requires a Perl 5 interpreter, which is installed on macOS and many Linux distributions by default.


  • for help message:

     ./cinclude2dot -h
  • example usage: --include and --src are followed by comma-saparated header and source file paths. --quotetype=quote means only user headers (#include "...") are counted.

     ./cinclude2dot.pl --include=MyProject/include,OtherInclude --src=MyProject/include,MyProject/src,OtherSrc --quotetype=quote > dependency.dot

    In the example above, MyProject/include is also in the list of --src because a user header may include other user headers.

  • You can feed the generated .dot file to GraphViz to create a dependency graph. There is also an online version of GraphViz here.

  • In fact, your GCC compiler can output a dependency list, too - but it is not a .dot file that can be feed to GraphViz. The options are -H, -M (a tree), and -MM (same as -M, but only user headers are counted).