
Parallel Processing Course - MPI(MPICH2) Project [Team Project]

Primary LanguageC++

Matrix Multiplier Using MPICH

Parallel Processing Course - MPI(MPICH) Project [Team Project]

Command Line Options


matrixmul [options]


-p Print the matrix
Allowed matrices:
Input matrix A: a or 0
Input matrix B: b or 1
Result matrix C: c or 2
Whole matrices: w, 3 or any character
-s Width of square matrices (Neutralize -h, -c and -w options)
-h Height of input matrix A and result matrix C
-c Width of input matrix A and height of input matrix B
(Correspondence of input matrices)
-w Width of input matrix C and result matrix C
-d debug


Lee Hwajung
Yang Sungmin
Song Myeongho

Developing Environment

Project Type: Win32 Console Application
Language: C++
IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 (v140)

Environment Variable


Installation path for MPICH2
e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\MPICH2