
Get EMQ nodes stats in console

Primary LanguageRuby


This script uses EMQ APIs to detect current status of cluster nodes and print them in console.
It supports API version v2, v3 and v4.

How to use it

Simple run it as a docker container:

docker run -it \
-e MQTT_USERNAME=admin \
-e MQTT_PASSWORD=password \
-e MQTT_SERVER=http://mqtt.your.domain:18083 \

And you will receive a list of nodes with useful info:

name="emq@" uptime="96 days,14 hours, 53 minutes, 35 seconds" version="2.3.11" node_status="Running" clients_count="125"
name="emq@" uptime="48 days,11 hours, 51 minutes, 20 seconds" version="2.3.11" node_status="Running" clients_count="143"
name="emq@" uptime="47 days,10 hours, 33 minutes, 50 seconds" version="2.3.11" node_status="Running" clients_count="138"

This container returns nodes data and then stop itself. We use it with Kubernetes Cron Jobs, so we can monitoring nodes status and create useful dashboards.