This is a collection of basic programming tools for numerical computation, including Fast Fourier Transforms, Spherical Harmonic Transforms, non-equispaced Fourier transforms, as well as some concrete applications like 4pi convolution on the sphere and gridding/degridding of radio interferometry data.
The code is written in C++17, but provides a simple and comprehensive Python interface.
- Python >= 3.7
- only when compiling from source: pybind11
- only when compiling from source: a C++17-capable compiler, e.g.
7 or laterclang++
- MSVC 2019 or later
- Intel
(oneAPI compiler series). (Note that the oldericpc
compilers are not supported.)
The latest version of DUCC can be obtained by cloning the repository via
git clone
- All source code in this package is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 or later.
- Some files (those constituting the FFT component and its internal dependencies) are also licensed under the 3-clause BSD license. These files contain two sets of licensing headers; the user is free to choose under which of those terms they want to use these sources.
Online documentation of the most recent Python interface is available at
The C++ interface is documented at Please note that this interface is not as well documented as the Python one, and that it should not be considered stable.
For best performance, it is recommended to compile DUCC from source, optimizing for the specific CPU on the system. This can be done using the command
pip3 install --no-binary ducc0 --user ducc0
NOTE: compilation requires the appropriate compilers to be installed (see above) and can take a significant amount of time (several minutes).
Alternatively, a simple
pip3 install --user ducc0
will install a pre-compiled binary package, which makes the installation process much quicker and does not require any compilers to be installed on the system. However, the code will most likely perform significantly worse (by a factor of two to three for some functions) than a custom built version.
Additionally, pre-compiled binaries are distributed for the following systems.
The interfaces of the DUCC components are expected to evolve over time; whenever
an interface changes in a manner that is not backwards compatible, the DUCC
major version number will increase. As a consequence it might happen that one
part of a Python code may use an older version of DUCC while at the same time
another part requires a newer version. Since DUCC's major version number is
included in the module name itself (the module is not called ducc
, but rather
), this is not a problem, as multiple DUCC versions can be installed
The latest patch levels of a given DUCC version will always be available at the
HEAD of the git branch with the respective name. In other words, if you need
the latest incarnation of DUCC 0, this will be on branch "ducc0" of the
git repository, and it will be installed as the package "ducc0".
Later versions will be maintained on new branches and will be installed as
"ducc1" and "ducc2", so that there will be no conflict with potentially
installed older versions.
This package provides Fast Fourier, trigonometric and Hartley transforms with a
simple Python interface. It is an evolution of pocketfft
and pypocketfft
which are currently used by numpy
and scipy
The central algorithms are derived from Paul Swarztrauber's FFTPACK code.
- supports fully complex and half-complex (i.e. complex-to-real and real-to-complex) FFTs, discrete sine/cosine transforms and Hartley transforms
- achieves very high accuracy for all transforms
- supports multidimensional arrays and selection of the axes to be transformed
- supports single, double, and long double precision
- makes use of CPU vector instructions when performing 2D and higher-dimensional transforms
- supports prime-length transforms without degrading to O(N**2) performance
- has optional multi-threading support for multidimensional transforms
- there is no explicit plan management to be done by the user, making the interface as simple as possible. A small number of plans is cached internally, which does not consume much memory, since the storage requirement for a plan only scales with the square root of the FFT length for large lengths.
- 1D transforms are significantly slower than those provided by FFTW (if FFTW's plan generation overhead is ignored)
- multi-D transforms in double precision perform fairly similar to FFTW with
FFTW_MEASURE; in single precision
can be significantly faster.
This package provides efficient spherical harmonic transforms (SHTs). Its code is derived from libsharp, but has been significantly enhanced.
- support for any grid based on iso-latitude rings with equidistant pixels in each of the rings
- support for accurate spherical harmonic analyis on certain sub-classes of grids (Clenshaw-Curtis, Fejer-1 and McEwen-Wiaux) at band limits beyond those for which quadrature weights exist. For details see this note.
- substantially improved transformation speed (up to a factor of 2) on the above mentioned grid geometries for high band limits
- accelerated recurrences as presented in Ishioka (2018)
- vector instruction support
- multi-threading support
The code for rotating spherical harmonic coefficients was taken (with some modifications) from Mikael Slevinsky's FastTransforms package.
This library provides Python bindings for the most important functionality
related to the HEALPix tesselation,
except for spherical harmonic transforms, which are covered by ducc.sht
The design goals are
- similarity to the interface of the HEALPix C++ library (while respecting some Python peculiarities)
- simplicity (no optional function parameters)
- low function calling overhead
Library for high-accuracy 4pi convolution on the sphere, which generates a
total convolution data cube from a set of sky and beam a_lm
and computes
interpolated values for a given list of detector pointings.
This code has evolved from the original
totalconvolver algorithm
via the conviqt code.
- the code uses
SHTs andducc.fft
FFTs to compute the data cube - shared-memory parallelization is provided via standard C++ threads.
- for interpolation, the algorithm and kernel described in are used. This allows very efficient interpolation with user-adjustable accuracy.
Library for high-accuracy gridding/degridding of radio interferometry datasets
(code paper available at
This code has also been integrated into
as the wgridder
- shared-memory parallelization via standard C++ threads.
- kernel computation is performed on the fly, avoiding inaccuracies due to table lookup and reducing overall memory bandwidth
- uses the analytical gridding kernel presented in
- uses the "improved W-stacking method" described in
- in combination these two aspects allow extremely accurate gridding/degridding operations (L2 error compared to explicit DFTs can go below 1e-12) with reasonable resource consumption
Library for non-uniform FFTs in 1D/2D/3D
(currently only supports transform types 1 and 2).
The goal is to provide similar or better performance and accuracy than
FINUFFT, making use of lessons
learned during the implementation of the wgridder
Various unsorted functionality which will hopefully be categorized in the future.
This module contains an efficient algorithm for the computation of abscissas and weights for Gauss-Legendre quadrature. For degrees up to 100, the solutions are computed in the standard iterative fashion; for higher degrees Ignace Bogaert's FastGL algorithm is used.