Programmers: Marco Gutierrez and John Elliott
- Install otree:
pip3 install -U otree
- Create a project:
otree startproject klo_lp_apps
. The name doesn't really matter. - In, edit SESSION CONFIGS to look like this:
'name': 'MoneyPolitics',
'display_name': "Money Politics (Production)",
'num_demo_participants': 9,
'app_sequence': ['MoneyPolitics'],
# Display player ID
'show_id': True,
# Display player income
'show_income': True,
# Which game will be played (Tetris or Diamonds)
'treatment': "Tetris",
# Which tax system is going to be used (tax_rate or progressivity)
'tax_system': "tax_rate",
'name': 'MoneyPoliticsTest',
'display_name': "Money Politics (Test)",
'num_demo_participants': 2,
'app_sequence': ['MoneyPolitics'],
# Display player ID
'show_id': True,
# Display player income
'show_income': True,
# Which game will be played (Tetris or Diamonds)
'treatment': "Tetris",
# Which tax system is going to be used (tax_rate or progressivity)
'tax_system': "tax_rate",
- Add a file on the project folder called Inside, it should look like this
doc = """
Control parameters for MoneyPolitics
task_endowments = [125, 80, 40, 25, 25, 15, 15, 15, 9]
# Because oTree doesn't let us work with the multiple checkbox multiple choiice widget, we are going to create a list
# of options with the income and if its the 1st, 2nd or 3rd person with the same income
possible_message_receivers = [['1251', 'Income 125'], ['801', 'Income 80'], ['401', 'Income 40'],
['252', 'Income 25 (Player 2)'], ['251', 'Income 25 (Player 1)'],
['153', 'Income 15 (Player 3)'], ['152', 'Income 15 (Player 2)'],
['151', 'Income 15 (Player 1)'], ['91', 'Income 9']]
possible_message_receivers_125 = list(possible_message_receivers)
possible_message_receivers_80 = list(possible_message_receivers)
possible_message_receivers_40 = list(possible_message_receivers)
possible_message_receivers_252 = list(possible_message_receivers)
possible_message_receivers_251 = list(possible_message_receivers)
possible_message_receivers_153 = list(possible_message_receivers)
possible_message_receivers_152 = list(possible_message_receivers)
possible_message_receivers_151 = list(possible_message_receivers)
possible_message_receivers_9 = list(possible_message_receivers)
message_cost = 1
number_of_messages = 1
progressivity_levels = [[1, 'Level 1'], [2, 'Level 2'], [3, 'Level 3'],
[4, 'Level 4'], [5, 'Level 5']]
progressivity_levels_tax_rates = {'1': [0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4],
'2': [0.3, 0.32, 0.342, 0.364, 0.407, 0.458],
'3': [0.2, 0.24, 0.284, 0.328, 0.439, 0.515],
'4': [0.1, 0.14, 0.204, 0.278, 0.464, 0.585],
'5': [0, 0, 0.06, 0.263, 0.531, 0.664]}
# Private Sector Parameters
alpha = 5
beta = 1/16
# Steps for tax rate
tax_step = '0.05'
Every change should be first implemented here:
The main tasks are to program an app following this provisional structure:
A real effort task: Players will play a Tetris or another game in order to obtain some provisional income. This has to be one of the values of the following vector (depending on their ranking in the task)
task_endowments = [9, 15, 15, 15, 25, 25, 40, 80, 125]
Information about whether their incomes are going to be random or from the real effort task:
- 50% 3 people paid by luck;
(1,2,3[a],4,5[b],6,7,8,9[c]) -> (1,2,c,4,a,6,7,8,b)
- 50% 6 people paid by luck; similar, but 6 are shuffled
- 50% 3 people paid by luck;
Preparing Communication: Players will have the ability to send a single message to one or many players with 10 or 15 as endowment. This will have a cost which should be edited on the or on a txt imported into the file to avoid hard coding
Deciding which policy parameter should be chosen for voting
There are two possibilities:
Taxes: They can vote which should be the base tax rate (let's say 20%) that the people with low income should pay, but not the proportion in which this tax rate will increase when people have a greater income (there could be a fixed increase in 2% on the tax rate per each additional point)
Progressivity. They can't vote which should be the base tax rate (there is a fixed 20% tax rate) that the people with low income should pay, but they can choose the proportion in which this tax rate will increase when people have a greater income (an increase in 2% on the tax rate per each additional point or 4% if they prefer)
Choosing the tax policy parameter: Depending on the chosen system, they will be able to say:
- Taxes: Which is their preferred base tax rate
- Progressivity: Which is their preferred increase on the base tax rate per additional point
The median of the preferred parameters is going to be the one applied to everyone.
A version of the diamond game has been coded, but requires debugging (it only supports a square board for now). The size of the board is currently set to 15x15.
The player enters their guess, which is compared to the actual number of diamonds on their board. Their score is equal to: | guess - actual | Therefore the highest possible score is 0. The greater their score, the further their guess was from the actual number of diamonds.
There is also a value in Diamonds.html (diamondAmount, a number between 1 and 10) which determines the approximate amount of diamonds on the board. If diamondAmount is set to 3, then about 30% of the board will be diamonds and 70% will be circles.
A task in which the player counts the number of small diamonds in rectangular screens filled
mainly with small circles
If you want to test something that may cause some troubles, it should be done here:
After testing, bring your changes to the main branch
Remember that because this is app is for an ongoing project, there are going to be many changes in its structure so try to program it as dynamically as possible, avoiding hard coding and documenting everything that is required.
Also, try to define what was done in every commit pushed to the remote repo
Might be difficult to set up the real effort tasks as includable templates (the game is just on a separate page for now). Most browsers don't allow local files (like a tetris game) to be embedded inside of another page for security reasons. This would also make it difficult to pick which game to play (currently, you only have to change SESSION_CONFIGS in May also cause problems when passing values from the game back to otree pages/models.