
This experiment is a multiple-asset CDA market implemented using oTree Markets. To install, follow the installation instructions for oTree Markets here. Then clone this repo into your oTree project folder and add the following session config dict to SESSION_CONFIGS in settings.py:

   display_name='Multiple Asset Market',

Config files are located in the "configs" directory. They're CSVs where each row configures a round of trading. The columns are described below.

  • period_length - the length of the round in seconds
  • num_assets - the number of assets. assets are automatically named 'A', 'B', 'C' etc.
  • asset_endowments - a space-separated list of numbers determining the amount of each asset each player is endowed with
    • for example, if num_assets is 3, an asset_endowments value of "10 10 5" means players get 10 of asset A, 10 of asset B and 5 of asset C.
  • cash_endowment - the amount of cash each player is endowed with
  • allow_short - either "true" or "false". if true, players are allowed to have negative cash and asset holdings